This Reverb12 prompt arises via Daily Angst. It was actually meant for day 12 but since I just happened upon it, my passion wouldn't let me resist talking about it....
Unexpected Passion: What new hobby or interest piqued your passion this year? Or did you think about an old passion in a new way?
It got hot and heavy in April. I decided to participate in the A-Z in April Blog Challenge. I decided this year – since I failed miserably the year before – I would use a theme. It stirred up such a passion for me all surrounding Women in Literary History.
I had such a blast I surprised even myself.
Before the end of the year I want to print out all 26 blog posts and the ones I have written since then. I wrote my first in a long time yesterday about poet Alice Corbin Henderson. I specialize in 19th and early 20th century writers, though I have been known to go higher and lower.
Two women I plan to include in 2013 were Courtesan Poets between the 8th and 11th century. I just never know where my adventures will take me. Oh, I have a women writer with a “Z” name. I use given names, not surnames because those were often passed along to women via marriage. The most difficult in English is X.
I have had a weird, stagnant time with poetry except for haiku. I’m not sure what that’s about at all. I come up with interesting images and then they flutter away or nothing comes of it. I get the urge and then…. It leaves me as fast as it came to me.
It is strange.
I am not sure what to do to get it back going. I’ve thought of writing sentence poetry. Prose poetry. Just not sure, but I need to do something to get my groove back again.
So there you have it… and hey, if you want to check out any of my women in literary history, check out one (or more) of these:

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Julie Jordan Scott has been a Life & Creativity
Coach, Writer, Facilitator and Teleclass Leader since