Diaries Magazine

Three Years Down - Around the Web

Posted on the 02 June 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
If you haven't heard, I'm giving away ad space at Royal Daughter Designs, along side Danielle at Framed Frosting, and Megan at Absolute Mommy, who is offering up a $15 gift card to Starbucks (yum!).
Three Years Down - Around the Web
Also, there were a ton of blogs I was really excited to sponsor this month. If you're interested in finding some great new blogs, check these out:
Life Blessons My Beautiful, Crazy Life Tico & Tina* Growing up Geeky I Know the Plans I Have for You The Glitter and the Gray Framed Frosting Mrs. Monologues The Life of a Not so Ordinary Wife Nykki Mayne And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson My Girl Thursday Little Becky Homecky and The Kinch Life
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. For me, it's back to trying to quickly paint my nails before the baby wakes up.
* PS. Mac Auto-Correct changed the link title to say Taco & Tina all weekend. How embarrassing. I fixed it Tuesday morning.

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