Diaries Magazine

Tips on Living a Longer Life

Posted on the 29 January 2012 by Taveren37 @mjgraham

We live in a time of great medical advancement. People are living longer and healthier lives than ever before.  Medicare health plans have benefits reserved for seniors over 65. Things such as retirement planning and special senior discounts can apply. What are some tips to help us live a longer life and keep our bodies performing at their best?
  • Healthy eating habits and exercise can actually help strengthen our DNA. So at a cellular level our bodies can get stronger and help us slow the aging process.
  • If we keep our minds and bodies active by having what is called a 'conscientious personality'. That means having qualities like persistence and attention to detail. These people strive to keep good relationships in their lives and make better decisions regarding their health.
  • Having friends. People who are active socially and have a network of connections are happier and more resilient.
  • Of course having friends is good but choose them wisely. A group of friends with healthy lifestyles will help you stay healthy too.
  • Quit smoking cigarettes. A British study has said that if you quit when you are 30 if could add another decade onto your life.
  • Take a nap if you can. A siesta is a good way to relax and reduce stress hormones, which in turn helps your heart.
  • Follow the Mediterranean diet. This is a diet that is high in fruit, vegetables and grains, olive oil and fish. This will help you ward off things like heart disease, bad cholesterol and diabetes.
  • The people of Okinawa used to have the greatest life expectancy in the world. This was attributed to eating a diet high in green and yellow vegetables and very low calories.
  • Married people tend to outlive single people. This may be because they have greater moral support and backup. But those who have been divorced or widowed tend to have lower mortality rates then those who had never been married.
  • Get within your healthy weight range. Slimming down can help you fight off diabetes and heart disease.
  • Regular physical activity can reduce the risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers, depression and may make you more mentally alert. About 2.5 hours of moderate exercise a week is good.
  • Only drink in moderation. One drink a day for women and one or two a day for men should be your limit.
  • People who attend a religious service each week tend to live longer than those who don't. This may be because of the strong social network that develops.
  • Forgive. Don't hold grudges. Learn to let go and you will find it reduces anxiety, helps you sleep better and breath easier and it lowers blood pressure.
  • Use the recommended safety devices. Always wear your seat belt in a car and your helmet if riding a motorbike. 
  • Get the recommended dose of good quality sleep. It lowers the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders and can also speed recovery after illness or an operation.
  • Find a beneficial way to manage your stress. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, stretching, go for a brief walk. Whatever helps you.
  • Find a hobby or an interest that gets you involved and has meaning for you. This can also be linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's Disease.
18 Secrets to a Longer Life - WebMD.com.
Tips on Living a Longer Life

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