Diaries Magazine
To Blog, Or Not to Blog - That is the Question
Posted on the 29 December 2012 by Fab40foibles @fab40foibles
As you can see below I made the decision to stop blogging a while ago, I was completely overloaded and something had to give.
Although haven't any more free time, if anything things got worse towards the end of the year, I have missed having a place to share my views and an outlet for the little creativity I possess.
I've missed not telling you about running with courir...ensemble a fantastic charity which works with children with cancer.
I would have loved your advice on how to deal with my new primary class and a few SEN pupils I've tried to help this school year.
I'm sure I'd have made you chuckle with the adventures of Cookie, the sofa-eating puppy.
You could have helped me find prezzies for the husband who wants nothing and the football crazy boy.
Although I haven't been blogging I've still been keeping an eye on blogs I enjoy, such as the brilliant Bibsey and gorgeous Get Real France . I've also been frustrated by some blogs that I used to enjoy, but now find that every time I log on they're advertising some product or other - a prickly subject I imagine.
So, after all this procrastinating.... I'm back... perhaps, what do you think? Should I stay or should I go?