Self Expression Magazine

Today is the LAST DAY EVER to Vote for Us to Win Blogger Idol! This is It People!!!

Posted on the 13 December 2012 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

I woke up giddy this morning.  Not because the birds are chirping or the kids aren’t fighting, but because it would be the last day that I have to beg for votes for Blogger Idol!  I’m so excited that I’ll never have to write another plea to vote for me, or another Facebook post where I have to be nice to ex-boyfriends…..

So with that said – here’s my last ditch attempt at this all.  I’m the underdog in this competition and it is coming down to votes so I need yours more than ever.

To vote, please go to and choose MARTINIS AND MINIVANS in BOTH voting boxes. THIS WEEK IS DIFFERENT – YOU HAVE TO VOTE IN TWO BOXES!

If you’d like to read my pieces for this week, you can use the link above to get you there. One post was a letter to my younger self, and the other was things I have done that I wouldn’t tell my children.  If you don’t have time, no worries, I understand and just BEG you to take a second to vote.  No info is asked – it’s just two clicks.

Voting is open only until Midnight tonight (CST) and you can vote from all different IP addresses – so feel free to vote from your phone, work, etc…

Thank you again so much for your support.  I can’t tell you how much it has meant to me!

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