Diaries Magazine

T.Swift & E.Sheeran Albums

Posted on the 04 January 2013 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie

Hey guys, 
I got some new CD's before Christmas: Ed Sheeran's + and Taylor Swift's Red. Both are great albums but I like more songs off of Ed Sheeran's. The mixture of some slight rap and the soft acoustics are a balance which goes well together. My favorite ones of Taylor Swift have to be: Trouble (an upbeat catchy song) Holy Ground (a song that goes back to Swifts "country" roots) and We are Never Ever Getting Back Together (a song that's popular for it's upbeat tune). On Ed Sheeran's I like most if not all of the songs, and feel it it's an album I can always return too. My favorite ever is Autumn Leaves as it is really soothing and as a mellow vibe. 
T.Swift & E.Sheeran albums

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