I am thrilled to report to you all today that one of my blog posts I wrote several weeks ago received some awesome national attention today. I say it is “awesome,” because it is such a wonderful thing when I can also draw some attention to a deserving and incredible organization.
PJ Library of Southern Arizona (CLICK HERE FOR THEIR WEBSITE) has provided my family with engaging and fun Jewish literature monthly, which I also, in turn, use in my lesson planning as a Jewish educator. The Southern Arizona chapter hosts wonderful events throughout the year with great storytelling and crafts, and I am so grateful for all that they do.
Here is a little about PJ Library (straight from their website) on a national level:
About PJ Library®
“PJ LIBRARY IS A JEWISH FAMILY ENGAGEMENT program implemented on a local level throughout North America. We mail free, high-quality Jewish children’s literature and music to families across the continent on a monthly basis.
PJ Library is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and local Jewish organizations. Today, families in hundreds of communities across the United States and Canada are able to explore the timeless core values of Judaism through books and music.
All families raising Jewish children from age six months of age through five, six, seven or eight years (depending on the community) are welcome to sign up. “
Today, the national PJ website, shared my blog post, “Afikomen Mambo #634,” in a Friday feature called “Photo Fridays.” Here’s the link for you to check it out: http://pjlibrary.org/pj-blog/index.php/archives/4787/photo-friday-musical-book-based-lessons/
Thank you, PJ Library, for showing a little love to our local Tucson chapter. It is an honor to be included on the site, and hopefully, I can bring awareness of all you offer to my Tucson Songstress audience, too.