I've published a good amount of books so far this year, putting me at 71 published books. A bunch of poetry books and two novels. I finished America's Favorite Lottery Winner: Poetess (the sequel to the first one) and published that one in early spring. I loved the plot of that one. It had one of my characters writing poetry. I love when I can incorporate that into a novel.
The other novel I published just about a month ago, was Iris the Diarist. It's a novel about young college student, Iris, who gets sucked into the lair of a ruthless killer. Add a bit of romance and there you have romantic suspense.
So, about updating websites. You really need to do it once in a while. Do you ever have the websites that you haven't gone to in a really long time and when you go back into it, you see an old bio that's so out of date, hardly any info (links) so people can find you on your other links? I mean, seriously, it's time to go into all your sites and start fixing things.
Makes for a better website, page, etc...
I had gone into a majority of mine changing things around. I mean, my Zazzle site had the old town I lived in for the store. Old information about me, so it all needed to be changed.
You basically want people (potential buyers and readers) to find you on all your sites. It's all about boosting your presence. Eventually, they find you and they may indeed like you. Love what you do and want to support. Maybe.
The writing world can be ruthless, as we have soooooo many writers publishing everyday. We all know it's so hard to get found if you aren't someone like Stephen King or J.K. Rowling. Just saying. Demographics and sheer luck plays a part in that. That's a sad fact.
For the past month, I've been posting snippets of my work on my face book author page, Twitter and Instagram. I figure, it helps to get people to have a feel for my work and get to know my style. That's important. Many readers will not invest even .99 cents on your work if they do not know you as a writer and like what you write. No matter how small amount of money that is, they simply do not want to fork it over to read your work unless something really jumps out at them.
You obviously have to sell them your soul, right? Yeah!
I went into Zazzle and changed banners too, added pictures to my Face book page story. Every little bit, helps you get found a little better.
I'm not a great marketer for sure, but I do know a bit about getting my presence known.
I've found that sometimes promoting on Face book helps make sales and other times it doesn't. It all depends on who is looking on any given time.
Sometimes, you have to commit yourself to making your pages, websites, etc. stand out. Keep maintaining them on a regular basis and eventually, maybe MAYBE, they'll come to you.
You also have to believe in yourself, know you have a great product and OWN it. And believe in God. That always helps. Simply believe that you can have good things if you try hard enough and know that if it didn't happen, then it wasn't meant to be.
Another thing: Be happy with what you have. Even in the face of all the stresses that come your way. No life is perfect. God knows that.
Keep on writing. Keep trying.
Well, I'm going offline for a bit to finish knitting a pair of fingerless mitts to add to my Etsy shop. I have added a few new items as of yesterday.
Jennifer Jo Fay
Copyrighted July 29,2018
www.ravelry.com/jfay1995 (My knitting patterns for sale)
www.zazzle.com/fancyphotography (my photography on cool products)
www.facebook.com/pipedreams1 (My author page)
www.facebook.com/jfaypaperdolls (My etsy page)

I took this picture one day this summer near my kids neighborhood pool. I love the Queen Anne's Lace. My mother did too.
There was this pale yellow butterfly nearby as I was taking the picture. Something about nature is just so beautiful. You know? We should try to be more aware of the beauty that surrounds us, for often, it goes unnoticed.