In fact, one day during my teenage years my mother threw my bible across the room and said it did not rule her household - she did.
As a result, the things I learned about God came from high school youth group, which was a lot of fun and created a lot of friendships, but did not result in a lot of example-figures. I never really understood how to have a quiet time, how to read the bible or what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ (even though I'm pretty sure I said that to my high school friends to get them to come to youth group).
Then when I went to college I was invited to a girls bible study by my friend Kristy, led by a girl she knew named Katie. Over the next three years I was under teaching and example of ladies who were so truly incredible to me. They grew up in families who knew Jesus. They were raised to respect their family, themselves, and other people. All of the random moral values I'd heard about in youth group, but never seen in real life, were exemplified. Of course, this made me the odd one out. I felt very insufficient, but never because of ANYTHING they said to me. I felt insufficient because I had already screwed up in a few areas of my life because I did not know how to live in any other way.
Right before I left college (I graduated in three years), the other girls had begun talking about podcast sermons. I didn't understand why you'd listen to sermons. Then I got to Washington for law school, where there were so many churches, I was overwhelmed trying to find one. I was seriously lacking in teaching until I was finally able to find the church that became my home for those three years. (I was even baptized there.)
Then, when I moved to Small Town and was studying for the bar, I couldn't find anywhere in town to go to church that did have a VERY long and drawn out service, and small enough that they had me stand up and introduce myself. This meant I was spending a lot of time not studying, and then being asked why I wasn't there the next week. If you remember, I was a total nutcase during bar prep and didn't think I had time to breathe. I began listening to podcasts pretty consistently.
This morning I got the urge to share with you some of my favorite teachers/churches to listen to. All of their podcasts are free on iTunes and several of them you can stream off of their websites as well.
Living Stones: The church where I finally learned what it being a Christian "looked like." Right now the sermon is Real Marriage, which is being led by Mars Hill (below). Vimeo Podcasts
Mars Hill: Taught by Mark Driscoll whose books I also really enjoy. What I love about this church is that it can be a lot more academic because it's in the third most literate county in the country (based in Seattle). It really feeds my nerdy love for information, along with building me up in Christ. Sermon videos and transcripts. One of my favorite series is Pray Like Jesus.
John Piper: John Piper leads a church (Bethlehem) and writes books. He has been a pastor for a long time and has so many wise things to say. He has every sermon since 1970 NINETEEN SEVENTY online. These are shorter than Living Stones and Mars Hills' sermons.
Beth Moore: I wish Beth Moore's resources were free, because I would listen to them every day. She inspires me above and beyond anyone else. Her books are incredible. I can't even tell you one teaching to purchase. They are all good. I watched the Law of Kindness simulcast a couple of years ago with my friend Stacy. To this day that word comes back to me and reminds me of God's will and direction in my life. Beth has started posting free videos on what seems like a random schedule. The one on anxiety (her second) still rings in my ears.
Joyce Meyer: Her podcast is free and is teaching from her TV show that comes on during the day. To be honest I would not have ever listened to her on my own, but my Great Grandma raves about her all the time. I finally gave it a shot and it rocked my world.
Do you listen to teaching online or through technology? What are your faves? Has it helped you grow in your faith?