Self Expression Magazine

Vacation, Food Obsessions, Morning Pages, and Not Waking up Early.

Posted on the 18 October 2012 by Laureneverafter @laureneverafter

I’m back from a relatively nice vacation. I say relatively, because I didn’t do anything special but lay around, watch reruns of The Mentalist and Castle, finish watching The Lord of the Rings series, and eat too much food. Oh, I also went to the fair and worked at the magazine some, but because the day I went to the fair I woke up with an odd stomach bug, it wasn’t as enjoyable as it has been in past years. I don’t know what my problem was Tuesday morning, but as I started getting ready to leave, I kept having to lay down. Every time I stood up, I felt like I was either going to faint or vomit. And by the time we got there, after getting caught up in traffic due to two trains crawling through the middle of town, and stopping, I felt too sluggish to really enjoy it. Plus, Em maintains that she is old and can’t hang like she used to. I could only eat the vinegar fries while we were there. I saw some people gnawing on turkey legs and thought I would just puke. The smell of those things alone is repulsive.

And speaking of food, I seem to want to eat everything lately. My appetite is insatiable. Last night alone, I ate two corn dogs and twenty four tater tots. I know this, because I counted as I laid them out on the baking sheet. My plan was to take one corn dog and twelve tater tots to work with me today, but then I looked down at my plate and saw all the ketchup and mustard I had left and decided that I couldn’t possibly leave leftover ketchup and mustard to be rinsed down the drain, so I must eat the other corn dog and tater tots so as not to waste. That’s what I told myself anyway, even though I still had leftover ketchup and mustard after the second helping.

All through my vacation, I just wanted to keep grabbing things to eat – gummy bears, Reese’s Pieces, salt and vinegar chips. At least Tuesday evening after Em and I got back from the fair, I grabbed an apple to snack on. We stopped by the store before going home, and I bought ten apples. Usually, if there’s an apple in the house, I’m quite satisfied snacking on one of those rather than candy. You see, I’d really like it if I hated candy, generally. I mean, I still want to like chocolate such as Dove and maybe the occasional Fun-Sized Snickers bar or Reese’s Cup, but other candy I’d really like it if I hated. Except for maybe Starbursts and Jolly Ranchers, as I just ate one while writing this post.

In other, non-candy-related, news, I finally did some Morning Pages before going into work today. It was nice. You don’t realize how much you’ve got on your mind until you start writing it all down, stream-of-conscious. Things just crop up in your brain and you think, “Oh, yes, you have been bothering me, haven’t you?” This was the first morning I was able to get some journaling in before work. Granted, I didn’t go into work today until 11:30, so I didn’t have to wake up particularly early to do it, but it was still nice, nonetheless. The hard part will be on mornings I have to open. I’ll have to wake up by 6:00 to eat breakfast, get ready for work, and write before having to leave. That’s quite a feat for someone who loathes waking up early.

The actual idea of waking up early to do those things is nice to imagine, but actually doing it is a real pain in the arse. For instance, I actually meant to wake up at 8:00 this morning, then sleepily fought with myself for an hour and a half as to why I should wake up so early. I actually remember thinking if I woke up to start, say, working on my outline before getting ready for work and eating breakfast, I’d just end up staring at the computer asking myself why I thought it would be a good idea to wake up early, thus not getting anything done. That is how I justified not getting up until 9:30. I know, I have laziness written all over me. Would it help my case if I told you I was up late watching Castle? I mean, that’s a really good show. It’s not like I was drooling over Gossip Girl or anything.

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