1st Day of Preschool – Ages 2 & 4

1st day of preschool – Ages 18 months & 3
In one week from today, summer is officially over — at least for Tucsonans. We’re are finishing up our last two days of camp today and tomorrow, and then, in exactly one week – SCHOOL!!!! I don’t know who’s more nervous for 4th grade homework – me or my daughter! Seriously – it’s hard to believe that the pull-your-hair-out-of-your-head cycle is about to happen all over again in just a matter of days.
The lazy days of summer are so blessed, and oh – how I will miss them!
It’s time to switch gears though. We’ll spend the weekend shopping for the back-to-school supplies. New backpacks and lunchboxes have already been selected, and my kids are begging to bring them to camp. Heck no! I’m may seem like a mean Mama, but that’s what makes the first day of school special. I will not compromise it!
So…to help you all switch gears, my song of the day is Jack Johnson’s version of “We’re Going to Be Friends.” I like it so much better than the White Stripes cover of the song. Jack Johnson takes the edge off of the harsh reality!