Self Expression Magazine

Wednesday’s Surprise Guest Blogger: The Dusty Parachute

Posted on the 29 October 2014 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

dusty parachute logoWhen we had our first child, I left the most ridiculous “care instructions” for my in-laws who would babysit her from time to time. I remember one instruction said, “Rock her 16 times, not 15, in a semi-circle motion to the song You Are My Sunshine while turning her away from the direct light of the window.”  I found out later, of course, that they popped open a bottle of wine and let her fall asleep with them on the couch.

So when The Dusty Parachute submitted this guest blog post as part of my week-long celebration of turning 40 and hitting 6,000 Facebook followers, I literally fell off my chair laughing. It is so freakin’ funny and absolutely something every parent can relate to.

It’s called: ” Care Instructions for a 1 Year Old (Interpreted by the Grandparents)”

To read it, click HERE.

And be sure to give her some love on Facebook and Twitter – let her know that you think she’s as funny as I do!

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