Self Expression Magazine

Week 1 of Sober September…

Posted on the 14 September 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

sober sept 1One week ago, I laughed in the face of my husband who said that I could’t go one month without alcohol. I felt so confident in my ability that I vowed to not touch any form of alcohol for 30 days. An awesome reader recommended I call it Sober September. Hilarious.

We had a summer of gin & tonics on the porch, beers at barbecues and wine after the kids went to bed. My poor liver needed a break from the fun of summer and I needed to perhaps not be able to balance my tea cup on my muffin top.

So one week later, how’s it going?

Brace yourself. You will be surprised by this answer.

Believe it or not, not that hard.

However, I’m pretty sure I gained a few pounds rather than lost them because I’m finding myself sneaking into my kid’s school snacks to munch and drinking bad soda late at night. (That’s “pop” for all my Midwestern friends)

I’ll say this. I went to get-togethers with friends and didn’t drink, and it was totally fine. However, if any of you “friends” are reading this, you weren’t nice to make me sniff all your drinks and ask me if I missed the smell of Cabernet in the air… Not nice.

Do I miss the beer and wine? Sure. Especially on the first day when my son peed his pants and then rolled all over my new outfit laying on my bed covering it with urine.

But I’m looking forward to being an awesomely cheap date in 3 weeks where one glass of wine will make me want to dance on a table and sing Free Bird. Hell, who am I kidding, I’d do that totally sober.

Now I just have to work on getting that b@tch Little Debbie out of my house. Her and her snack cakes have caused much too much trouble. However, I might have to wait until the end of this alcohol challenge – I’m afraid it might send my body into complete and utter shock. No one wants to see a grown woman sneaking into lunch boxes at their kid’s school looking for Nutty Bars…

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