Self Expression Magazine

What Does the Fox Say, #1016

Posted on the 21 July 2014 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

There is a small war going on in my house.  It is between boy and dog, and this grand conflict is all about a little toy fox that I brought home yesterday.  Here he is:


I was picking up some pet food, and my daughter was combing through a clearance bin.  “Mommy, we haven’t bought Sunny a toy in awhile, and he ate his toy dog a couple of weeks ago.”  This is true.  He pulverized that poor little dog toy, and oh, how he loves his toys.  Here is Exhibit A.


So, we brought home the fox as a replacement, and the minute my son took sight of it, the big green jealous monster reared his ugly head.  “I want the fox!  That is my fox.”  He grabbed it out of Sunny’s mouth and brought it to his room.  Five minutes later, I hear squeaking.  Sunny found it!  Score one for the dog!

My son was having none of it.  He brought it back to his room and shut the door.  Sorry, poor doggy.  Boy wins.  There’s no way to retrieve it now.

But now it is a new day, and it is morning.  My son is asleep in his bed, and our smart little Sunny has taken advantage of the moment.  Fox found, he is happily squeaking throughout the house all under wraps to my slumbering son.  Ha!  I am laughing and am looking forward to what the day will bring with this continuing saga.

Of course…..the song of the day has to be “What Does the Fox Say,” because our household fox squeaks as it is being fought over as if he is saying, “Oy vey!”

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