So it’s been an insane past two weeks. Here’s the low down.
1. I was picked to participate in Blogger Idol – it’s awesome and crazy at the same time. We get writing prompts, we then spend hours trying to perfect our pieces, and then we leave it all in the hands of judges and voters. I’m so not good at not being in control. Voting is on Wednesdays and Thursdays then Fridays at Noon (CST) we find out who is eliminated. That’s usually the part of the day that I’m contemplating if it is acceptable to add Bailey’s to my beverage midday…
2. Just when Blogger Idol began two weeks ago, my site was hacked. It seems that when your blog starts to get a bit of notice in the world, the hackers pay attention as well. See – this is why I never was popular in school – I didn’t want haters. Yeah, that’s the reason. But now, after paying a professional to clean it, protect it and scan it daily, all systems are a go again. I’m not going to lie, I thought about shutting it all down and calling it quits, because once again, I’m not good with not being in control. But then I stopped, took a deep breath, drank a bit of that Bailey’s and realized that wasn’t the answer. Now, I’m happy I made that decision – it’s good to be home.
3. I’m starting a fun new series on the first Monday of each month called “Inside the Blogger’s Studio.” It’s an opportunity to feature a different blogger and ask them some silly questions. Think “Inside the Actor’s Studio” where at the end the host asks them what their favorite curse word is. Like that, but funnier. I’ve got about a half-dozen bloggers already lined up and they are awesome. If you are a blogger and are interested in participating, let me know. Go to the CONTACT ME page and well….contact me. First post will go up on Monday.
Alrighty then – that’s the latest. Stay tuned – in two hours we find out if Martinis and Minivans moves into the Top 10 of Blogger Idol. I’ve got the Bailey’s ready just in case…