Self Expression Magazine

Where Have All the GIRL Superheroes Gone???

Posted on the 02 April 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

wonder womanI’m RAGING. Seriously raging today.

I spent all morning going from store to store in search of something for my six-year-old daughter for Easter. Well, not just something, but rather something that revolves around female superheroes.

My girl loves princesses. She loves dolls. She loves playing school and doing hair. But the thing she loves more than anything in the world right now is girl superheroes. I’m talking about Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl.

We’ve been watching old cartoons from the 80’s (Super Friends, Spider Man & Friends) and back then Wonder Woman kicked some serious ass. She had a gold lame’ crown. She made everyone tell the truth when she caught them in her lasso of truth. And damn, you can’t beat riding around in an invisible jet, right?

But what’s happened? Where have all the female superheroes gone? Why do I have to search through 80’s television series to find a Firestar or a Supergirl? Why don’t we have any shows on today that my daughter can see a strong and powerful FEMALE superhero?

I know that female superheroes exist in graphic novels, but I’m talking about mainstream television. Why has Batman, Superman and Spider Man endured and not one single female superhero lived on?

A I walked around department store after department store today, I found my rage building. Walls lined tshirts, pajamas and even bathing suits filled with male superheroes showing strength and endurance. But when you rounded the corner to the girl clothing, a collection of ruffles and frills with the images of Hello Kitty and Minnie Mouse. And yes, Frozen was there too. I do love Anna’s strength and Elsa’s independence, but where are the superheroes??

So I took matters into my own hands. I made her a cape out of shiny blue fabric and a golden lasso out of a jump rope. And I know she’ll love it. But my hope is that someday that wall in the department show can offer more than just a world beyond pretty and cute. And she can see that it’s okay for a girl to choose superheroes over ruffles.

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