
Who is to Be Blamed?

Posted on the 05 February 2013 by Shruti2910

"Krantikari har ghar mein paida ho, mera ghar chodh ke" 

Case 1: 2012 Delhi gang rape Case 2:  Connecticut School Shooting
Who is to be blamed?
As I sat across the dining table with my parents, apparently trying to have my dinner, the active media coverage of Delhi gang rape kept all of us hooked to the television screen.
In the next couple of days, there were people on the streets demanding for justice. They wanted accused to be castrated and hanged. They wanted laws to be stricter.They wanted to feel safe. They wanted to be safe.
And then, here are my parents. They completely support the perverts who think
'Prevention is better than cure' and as a result, I am but naturally not going out anywhere alone, not even with my friend(s).
I distinctly remember Shiv Khera's words in a free CD that came along with his book 'Freedom is not free', that described the lame mentalities of most civilized people:
"Krantikari har ghar mein paida ho, mera ghar chodh ke"
Definitely, my parents were scared that I don't become a Krantikari and get raped.
Fair enough on their part.
Then there is Connecticut school shooting case, that took lives of 27 innocents.
This case didn't really affect my life personally, because its a videshi case. Am not being racist, just saying.
Tweets flowed.
"Mayans predicted end of moral, may be", said one of them.
"Ye generation barbaad ho jayegi", said my father during a casual discussion.
Followed by all the hooha and advises and suggestions..I ended up at this contest that asked a very interesting question,
"Who is to be blamed?"
There is no single explanation to this.
The rapists are to be blamed.
Society is to be blamed.
Administration is to be blamed.
You are to be blamed.
I am to be blamed.
Everyone, except the victim(s), are to be blamed.
Delhi Gang Rape

Who is to be blamed?


It is not about how rarely are accused convicted. It is not about how slow is the legal process. It is not about how many cops are engaged in giving VIP security.
It is about the enslavement of women in our country, since generations.
Be it 'farmans' from Panchayats banning women using phone or not going out of home after 6 pm or be it female foeticides and infanticides and dowry deaths, women have been subjected all through out.
Second, is our society's mindset. Let's accept it, the repression to sexual needs and desires in our society makes a boy/man liable to blow up like a pressure cooker, long before he gets married and can morally have sex.
Third, is the psychology. (Okay, this is my chance to show that am a psychology student,anyways.)
In a study by Dr. Amir, in 1958 and 1960, of psychology of rapist in Philadelphia, he concluded:
"Rapists fell into 2 categories which he labeled 1) criminal and 2) psychiatric.  -The criminal rapist he viewed as a poorly educated man from the lower socioeconomic level who had a criminal record of offenses such as exhibitionism, fetishism, etc. He saw him as generally antisocial and easily influenced by his peers.  -The psychiatric rapist was viewed as a well educated man from a higher economic bracket. He was believed to rape because of some personal problems or inadequacy and he may feel remorse after the assault. However, these are not generally accepted theories but are considered a stepping stone to more in-depth research.  -A more widely accepted theory is that most rapists seem to come from a subculture of violence whose values may be different from those of the dominant culture. Therefore these adolescents and young men may be demonstrating their toughness and masculinity in a more violent and antisocial manner." -Source
Bottom line: Psyche of the society is to be blamed. You and I, we make the society. We are to be blamed.
Some women during the protest very well quoted on their placards, "Don't teach your daughter how to dress. Teach your son not to rape."
We are still outnumbered by creeps and cowards.Till then, ladies follow preacher's advises and stay smart-safe, ok?
Connecticut School Shooting
The Connecticut school shooting was another horrific case that came into light and show cased the end of innocence. Whether it was end of innocence or just another act of innocence, is a debate. The senseless death of 27 innocent tots left the world shaken.  To us, it was another incident of morals of children stooping and breaking LoC. Adam Lanza, was a innocent faced shooter, "who looked more like a character of  Hobbit series than a serial killer" as put by a columnist Dinyar Dastoor.

Who is to be blamed?

End of innocence or act of innocence?
Photo source: Google images.

He shot his mother first- who was fighting the economic breakdown, ready to shoot anyone to protect her property. She taught her kids herself and gave them shooting lesson from young age.  Here again, the society and mother is to blamed for not rendering proper values and morals to the children.  Along with teaching them shooting, had she taught them when and where to shoot and when not, this would have been avoided.  On study of the history of the country, one might come to know that at some point there is a need to keep guns to protect land from usurpers . Increasing level of frustration, stress and exposure to violence are other minor factors that majorly affects the psyche of a child. Where is the granny sitting under the fan on a mat, with children surrounding her, each struggling to get closest to her for their favorite activity of the day - story telling?

This post is part of the contest Who is to be blamed? on
Who is to be blamed? Who is to be blamed? Who is to be blamed? Who is to be blamed? Who is to be blamed? Who is to be blamed? Who is to be blamed?

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