Why Do Addicts Relapse?
Posted on the 05 January 2012 by 3stepstorecovery
It never fails to amaze me how many people ignore the spiritual message of the 12 Steps, while bragging about how much AA has helped them. It took me a long time to realize that some people prefer to view themselves as helpless, fragile, forever recovering alcoholics/addicts because it somehow makes them feel special to be victims-in-arms, gets lots of attention and sympathy, and also gives them an excuse to not be held accountable for actually working the steps required to bring about a spiritual awakening that the 12 Steps and AA are based upon. If not for a handful that actually have done the work required to become fully recovered, meetings would be nothing but a social club consisting of the blind leading the blind. Those that have experienced the "psychic change" that AA's founders described don't have to live in fear of relapse. They become recovered addicts, not recovering.
For those that DO want to become cured of addiction through a spiritual awakening, download and print a free copy of AA's 12 Steps. Everything you need to make it happen can be found in 3 of the 12 Steps.