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And who doesn't love going to Pinterest to re pin all these food recipes? There are so many food blogs out there with many wonderful recipes. I love re pinning them on Pinterest so I have a reference for the recipes that I want to try. Then anytime I want to all I have to do is go to my favorites and check out all the recipes on their site.
On Pinterest, I have two boards for food. Foods I love and For My Sweet Tooth.
I tried one of the recipes yesterday. I made kosher dill pickled beans. They came out good, but I left my fresh beans too long in the hot vinegar mixture and the beans kind of shrivelled up a little bit. But I saved the extra liquid in a separate container so I can make them again and then maybe just toss the beans in last minute. Or I could just let to liquid boil and cool down and then add the fresh beans. I might try that sometime soon.
My boyfriend and I tried them a few weeks ago when we were camping. His son had a gourmet jar of pickled beans and another of pickled asparagus. Both were good.
Don't you love to go to a blog where there are so many lovely visuals of the recipes that they are sharing with us? They look great and make us savor it and want to make it for ourselves.
The code to Grab my Button:
<img src=“http://www.YourButtonImageURL” alt=”YourSiteTitle” /><div style=”width: 125px; height: 125px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #666666;”>" target="_self">http://www.YourButtonImageURL" alt="YourSiteTitle" width="125" height="125" /></div> Here's the link to her tutorial if any of us get stuck and need to refer back to her very well written instructions.
This is the code to make your own Grab Your Button for your blog. I've copied and pasted it and will try to see if I can make my own blog button. I've never done this before.

This morning I was doing some crafts. In the picture above, I was trying to make those pretty roses fabric flowers. I plugged in my hot glue gun and tried to make them. I'm not very satisfied with my flowers. They are kind of small and they don't really look like a good looking rose like in some of the pictures of people's tutorials. So, I'm not sure if I like these.
Maybe if I was to try sewing one, that might work out better. We'll see. Maybe I would do better to knit up a rose. And leave the fabric ones to someone else. But I will probably be determined for a little bit to see if I can come up with one that I like.

And then, this morning was spent folding my laundry and then retrieving the second load out of the dryer to add on top of this. That pink top on the top of the pile ended up not selling on ebay and it fits me, so I guess I'm keeping it.

And here is my little pile of knitting this morning. And that doll dress, which is a dress that goes with the vintage Crissy doll, needed to be repaired on one of the seams, so I tackled that this morning. And the journal in the background, my daughter wasn't using so I am going to claim it back. But I'm going to have to retrieve some wrapping paper out of the car and make a temporary cover for it, so she won't see that I'm using it. I'm putting all my links and information for my sites with user names and passwords in it. And urls of cool blogs when I see one I really like.

This one I got knitting up this morning on my 13mm needles that I got at a yard sale last weekend. This is really chunky wool yarn and it ended up being longer than for a bracelet. So it will be a headband and I will sew in a small amount of black elastic band at the ends. And then wash it to felt it.

Here's some of the bracelets I made this morning an yesterday. I-cord bracelets. I will have to sew the ends together later. Some of them are double stranded to get different color effects.

These I have been having fun cutting down to size on my paper trimmer. Recycling and using in crafts are really fun ways to make things. I saw this idea in Pinterest. I forget what the other people did with theirs. But what I will probably do is print up some pictures or different things on regular paper and glue or tape it with double stick tape to both sides of each cereal box cardboard. Then, I will probably use it as a journal, punch holes to tie them all together and then I might write on them. I'm not sure what kind of writing I will use. Maybe I could use my STORY LINE STARTERS or just words and thoughts or prompts for writing poetry and short stories.

Then, this morning I found some of my twine that I bought on ebay. And below I started to knit up a bracelet. It is using a cable pattern. But I couldn't find my simple cable stitch pattern, so I kind of made up my own. I wrote it down. I think I might later try to turn the finished pattern into a pdf. I want to see if my computer can do that. And on the side of this blog, I copied and pasted the code for print friendly.
But once the pattern is finished, I could write up a pdf and try to sell it on Ravelry. And when I get the desired length, I will bind of and then I will pick up stitches along the whole side and make my bobbles and bind off and then repeat on the other side. I'm partly thinking that it might look neat with one of those varigated wool worsted weight yarns as a pretty contrast to the bracelet.

This cage on the bottom is from Lang Farm in Vermont.