Diaries Magazine
With the Mindset of Dancing Mood, Everything Seems Floating Under My Toes!
Posted on the 26 November 2011 by Cottonboyinusa @CottonBoyInUSAWe all know that the economy is slumping in the United States. We have been discussing how to resolve this standstill since 2008; however, I don't see the U.S. Congress have found the light or is leading us to walk away from the muddy path. I read the on-line newspapers; I watch the local TV news; I listen to CNN anchors and I hear my neighbors' complaints, all they are talking about is "JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!" I honestly am exhausted to hear how economy is affecting our lives and how we are affecting each other negatively.
Life goes on; don't wait for any politicians to lend their helping hands and pull us out from the mess. We have ability to clean up clutters surrounding us. If everyone tries a little bit harder to blow away their blur an inch away each day, a week or a month from now, all of us will have a better vision of our future. Stop the resentment, think positively, work diligently, dance with "Cotton Boy" and float up in the sky. Let's be invincible.