Diaries Magazine

Yeah - I Am Finally Getting Back into a Schedule of Sorts!

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by Mel1206 @mel1206

Yeah - I am finally getting back into a schedule of sorts!

Old Book by Anna Langova

I underestimated my desire to nap and read when my daughter got out of school.  Right now I am restarting a few of my favorite fantasy series:
My brain has been able to stick with the Wheel of Time series, so that is what I am going with right now.  The other two both have TV series; A Song of Ice and Fire is the Game of Thrones series on HBO, and is done very well. While there are some differences to the books, I haven't seen yet where the differences are so great that the story lines are completely different.  The Sword of Truth television series, The Legend of the Seeker deviated wildly from the books; and while I think this could have been an amazing series - they shot themselves in the foot when they did that.  Not that a series can't make it by deviating from the books, True Blood has done well with that, the Seeker series took too much away from the books - and we epic fantasy fans can be pretty unforgiving about that kind of stuff.
What was I talking about again?
Oh!  That I am a slacker!  I am working on getting my lazy bum up more often (my husband's audible sighs when he sees the stack of dirty dishes help too) and get back on a regular schedule.  I think I have just taken a bit of a vacation and am now recharged and ready to get back on the ball!!
Today I am sitting down to type away and schedule posts, like I should have done yesterday.  In any case .. I am headed back to my once a day posts.  While I don't have enough time to get caught up on what I missed, I do intend on haunting my bloggy pals blogs too!!  You bettah watch out!
Yeah - I am finally getting back into a schedule of sorts!
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