Old Book by Anna Langova
I underestimated my desire to nap and read when my daughter got out of school. Right now I am restarting a few of my favorite fantasy series:
- Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
- A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
- Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind
What was I talking about again?
Oh! That I am a slacker! I am working on getting my lazy bum up more often (my husband's audible sighs when he sees the stack of dirty dishes help too) and get back on a regular schedule. I think I have just taken a bit of a vacation and am now recharged and ready to get back on the ball!!
Today I am sitting down to type away and schedule posts, like I should have done yesterday. In any case .. I am headed back to my once a day posts. While I don't have enough time to get caught up on what I missed, I do intend on haunting my bloggy pals blogs too!! You bettah watch out!

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