I’m not a big sports-minded person, but last night my family had a really fun night at FC Tucson, our Tucson summer-based PDL (Premier Development League) team. Adjacent to Kino Sports Complex where FC Tucson plays is the Mulcahy YMCA, and the pre-game activity is booming. Children play on the playground, and locals swipe up the tables under the Ramada hours prior to the game.
We were there with the Tucson JCC, and our family-fueled group was there with big smiles and big energy. We started the evening with picnic dinners and watermelon Eegees, a good old fashioned campy sing-a-long and a short Havdalah service to mark the end of Shabbat.
When our group was done with our pre-game festivites, we arrived in the Kino Sports Comlpex just in time for the National Anthem flanked by an amazing sunset nestled in a monsoon cloud with the backdrop of the Santa Catalina mountains behind it. THIS was America the Beautiful in all its grandeur.
The game was super fun, and though FC Tucson played great soccer, this musical songstress is always most enamored by the spirit and energy in the audience. Last night proved to show that Tucson is tops in the spirit department as the independent supporters of FC Tucson, the “Cactus Pricks”, drummed and clapped and chanted and sang throughout the entire game. They added so much fun to the atmosphere, and I can’t imagine the evening without them.
An FC Tucson game is a great summer night out for families and adults, and if you haven’t ever seen them play, go show some support for an awesome Tucson treasure. I believe last night was the last home game of the season, but there’s always next summer. Make sure to hit it up!
My song of the day has to be YMCA, because how often can I say “I was working at the YMCA.” It was so much fun to lead a song session there. I hope it becomes an annual event! So here’s the video ya’ll…..and please do sing a long!