Diaries Magazine

10 Things I Want... NOW!

Posted on the 04 April 2014 by Monicasaidso @MonicaSaidSo__x
1) The Miscellaneous and Marvellous Entrapment Dress by Traffic People
Colour: Grey-Black(Picture taken from http://www.trafficpeople.co.uk/shop/products/Miscellaneous-%26-Marvellous-%252d-Entrapment-Dress.html)

Omg so this dress I wanted like three years ago but back then I think it was called the Ice Fairy Entrapment dress or something along those lines, I had seen it in an issue of Asiana Magazine and totally fallen in love with it. My husband being him decided he wanted to get it for me, sadly the dress was a few seasons old by then and was no longer in production and the only one they could ind was a size 12 in Brazil or something so I didn't get my dress. To say the least I was totally heart broken, I had fallen in love with it and now it was gone forever, but I did not give up hope a few months later I emailed Traffic People and the lady who emailed me back told me that for the Autumn/Winter collection '13 there would be a similar remake of the dress that I could look out for so I waited and I waited and I wait for it to come out and I made my hubby promise to buy it for me when it came out. Then with all the moving and stuff I forgot and now I just remembered... Mmmm. Some bribery may be in order soon.2) Crunk wedge heels by Privileged 10 things I want... NOW!(Picture from http://www.schuh.co.uk/womens-black-privileged-crunk/1162007060/)

I walked into Schuh the other day and started salivating over these. I've never liked something so overt but I just love them, my hubby hates them and is refusing to get them for me but I still love them. They are just so extreme! Lol.
3) MELISSA ULTRAGIRL HEEL SPECIALWhite(Picture taken from http://www.melissa.com.br/en/collection/heel-special)
I love Melissa shoes, I had a pair of Lady dragons for my wedding day and they smelt like strawberries and still do. I have another pair of Mels but I want more and these are so cute!
White(Picture taken from http://www.melissa.com.br/en/collection/melissa-ultragirl-jmaskrey-ii)Yes those are Swarovski crystals on the toecap... I just want these to lick. I wouldn't even wear them ,I'd be terrified of ruining them!
5) LVL Lash Lift Treatment
So I found out about the LVL lash lift last year when I was still in Leeds but I haven't been able to find anyone that has had it done to have a chat with, because I'm trying to be really careful about chemicals and such on my skin you know? It's basically like a longer lasting version of using your normal day to day eyelash curlers, with 'gentle, innovative products' and eyelid shields to straighten and curl your lashes. So yeah but I am super interested in it and if/when I have it done I will be blogging about it! If you want to know more here is the link http://www.nouveaubeautygroup.com/lashes/lvl/lvl-lash-lift/ If anyone has had this treatment done, please do get in touch because I am desperate to have it done!
6) Nandos
Need I say anymore? I just can't be bothered to go alone.
7)Rag & Bone/Jean Lariat Skinny Jeans With Zips
(Picture taken from http://www.asos.com/Rag-Bone/JEAN/Rag-Bone/Jean-Lariat-Skinny-Jeans-With-Zips/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=3118794&cid=13434&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=36&sort=-1&clr=Army)
I love these jeans soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, I've never been terribly interested in Rag & Bone before but now I want like half their collection. They are just so cute!
8) Angel wing t-shirt
Now I haven't actually found the one I want I have seen a few I like but I can't find the one I totally fall in love with and have to buy, but I'm being so picky because it's got a meaning behind it I won't tell you what because it's sooooo soppy and yeah but if any of you see something let me know!
9) A slushie
But I cba to go and get one... the struggles of being lazy. I want the blue one... willpower... is somewhere... just... need... to... sod it.
10) A baby kitten
I haven't found the breed or the kitten i want and I have to wait a few months but I do still kinda have my heart set on a Bengal cross of some sort. They are just so adorable!!!! I just want a little fluffy thing to love! For now I have Paco - who is adorable and sweet, even if he is a pain in the ass.
Do I sound like a spoilt little brat? Lol.

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