Diaries Magazine

10 Ways to Welcome Spring

Posted on the 23 April 2013 by Hersunday @hersunday
welcome spring

Here are just some of the ways that I love to usher in Spring. Here in Utah, Spring is a relatively short season- if we have one at all. But there's a small transition between the cold of winter and the heat of summer. I like to take advantage of it when I can.
Spring Clean- Open up the windows and let that Spring breeze in. Pick 3-5 cleaning projects that you don't do on a weekly basis and do them. For me it's dusting the blinds, washing the curtains, wiping down the baseboards, and spraying off the exterior siding. This little bit of Spring-ish cleaning does wonders for brightening and freshening up our home after a dormant winter.
Change Your Sheets- In the winter we use flannel sheets on the bed. We have light weight sheets that I put on as soon as the weather warms up. I usually hang them up outside before putting them on the bed just to freshen them up.

Plant a Container Garden- Consider a fresh pot of flowers on your front porch, a hanging vine or strawberry plant on your balcony/patio, or even just a small pot of fresh herbs in your kitchen window sill. Adding living, vibrant, plants are a sure way to usher spring in and you can keep them inside until it's truly warm enough to set them out.
Switch Your Wardrobe Up- It's time to pack away those heavy sweaters and start pulling out the light weight clothing. Here in Utah we still have twinges of cool air so I usually keep one or two long sleeve, but light weight cardigans in my closet to get me through the transition to summer.

Revamp Your Dinner Menu- Look for fresh, light, and healthy recipes and incorporate them into your weekly meals. In the winter, we eat a lot of soup and warm meals and it can begin to make me feel a bit bogged down. I love breaking out the salads and fresh veggie plates as soon as spring hits.

Break Out the Spring Colors- Even just a Spring-y looking table cloth will brighten up your space. Or try a vase of spring tulips in your living room. Switch out the dark pillows on your couch for something with hints of green, yellow, white, or pink.
Get Outside- Take a walk, get on your bike, lay a blanket out on your grass, head to the park. Soak up some sun before it gets too hot to be out there.

Get your Camera Out- Take some photos of the changing season- I love photos of the new buds that show up on all the trees as well as all the new blooms in the garden.
Simplify- Something about winters finds us collecting a lot of clutter. Go through your house and clear it all out. Donate what you can and repurpose what you can. Find new uses for things that have been collecting dust.

Plan your Garden- Draw up a little plan and start the prep work. Make a list of what you'd like to plant this year. Get excited about choosing seeds and deciding where or how you'll plant them. Consider trading seeds or plants with a friend or neighbor to try something new.
What do you do to welcome the change of season?

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