31 Things That Made Year 31 Awesome:
Cycling- This has been a game changer for us. Finally a way to work out and have fun, together. This has been the perfect sport for us and we can't wait to do more of it this year.

Gardening- We love our garden. Every year we learn something new and get a little better at it.

Salad Challenge- This was a fun challenge that we embarked on last summer. 30 different salads! I loved that it made me get creative with dinner options.

Concerts- We have had so much fun going to music concerts together! This year the highlight was Foster the People. We had such a blast that night.

Traveling- The big trips- Disneyland this year! It's important to us so we make it happen. We love getting away together and exploring new places.

Winter Getaways- We figured out that a weekend getaway to Moab or St. George is a must for us when the weather is bad.

Books- Books aren't new this year but I've introduced myself to some new authors and some new genres (John Green love!) and it's been awesome!

Bookmark To Blog- I started my book blog last year and I truly love spending time in that community. It is so fun to be able to discuss what I love with other people who love it too.

Crafting- I want to do more this year! I had fun with the few projects I did last year and love that I made time for it.

Making more time for friends- So happy to have my good friend Heather back in Utah. We already have more brunch/lunch dates planned and I can't wait. I'm also looking forward to getting together with Jacqlin, Meg, Rachael, and Jackie soon. Miss those girls.
Pilates- Pilates is magic to me. It makes me feel strong and capable every time I'm on the mat. I love immersing myself in the flow of a Pilates sequence and letting everything else just float away.

Home Projects- We actually have fun working on projects for the house together. Last year we did just a few little things. It's made us realize that we want a new house project to focus on. Something that will eventually be our forever place.

The Theater- I've always loved the theater but this year we've found that it's something we both enjoy doing together. We attended several productions and have plans to see more this year.
Cooking- We cooked so much this year thanks to our garden and Bountiful Baskets. I don't even know how many new recipes I tried and we found several go to favorites. We are eating so much more healthy these days.

Slackwater- The new restaurant of choice. So many fun times there this year.
Project Life- I haven't scrapped in years. I discovered Project Life this year and that all changed. I'm really enjoying memory keeping now and am glad I have a way, other than this blog to do it.

Long Hair- I've been letting my hair grow for four years now. This past year it was the longest it's ever been. It's a pain sometimes but I actually really love it.
The decision to have a baby- It just feels good that we finally decided it's time. No more wondering when the right time will be. Now we just know.
Nellie & Nixon- We both really bonded with the kids this year and had some great times with them. I love that I have a close relationship with my niece and nephew.

Weeknight Walks- Walks with Ash are our time to chat. We enjoy finding deserted paths to explore and just being outside together.
Bountiful Baskets- Again, it's changed how we eat. Before Bountiful Baskets we bought boxed and bagged pre-prepped meals constantly and lived off of them. Now we eat fresh produce with every meal and we both feel so much better.

Blurb Books- Another new memory keeping method for me and I love it. I now have 4 Blurb books and can't wait to create more.
Flowers- I've mentioned how much joy my flowers give me. I have loved planting new flowers around the yard and watching them blossom.

TV Shows- We've had fun getting hooked to a couple of shows this year (Walking Dead, Grimm) and watching them together as we relax after work.
Dance- Teaching dance this year has been awesome. I got to choose my own assistant and I chose a girl that I've known for the last ten years. Ten years ago she showed up at my studio to take lessons, a year later she made the drill team that I was coaching. Now we are still good friends and get to teach together. The kids are awesome this year too! I love my girls.
Day Drives- Andy and I frequently hop in the car on the weekend and just drive. It doesn't matter where we go. We just like exploring together.

Farmer's Market- Oh man. We love the farmer's market. We enjoy walking around checking out all the booths and we love that we're supporting locals when we buy there.

Grad School Acceptance- Last year I got accepted to grad school and this year I'm finally on way to getting my Master's degree. I'm so excited.
The Fault in Our Stars- This book deserves it's own mention. Totally not my normal genre, but I can't stop thinking about it. It's not necessarily the story (although the story is wonderful.) It's the writing. There are passages that will forever be stuck in my head. Brilliant writing and I want more.
The Team Factor- Andy and I had a couple moments this past year where we were reminded what a good team we make. I love that.

Now, I'm off to enjoy my day with my guy. I think a sugar donut may be on the agenda today. Happy Friday!