Self Expression Magazine

A Day In Downtown Portland

Posted on the 24 March 2013 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
It is now Spring Break in Oregon, and for a few weeks now, I have been planning things and outings to do during Spring Break. I'm not huge on big outings, but simple outings are perfect! One of the simple outings I had planned was to visit this juice bar that I have been wanting to visit since December! I found them on Instagram, and I am really into cleanses and juices, green smoothies and such, so I was so excited to visit Kure Juice! I planned this visit last week, I know the Portland Saturday Market runs on Saturdays and Sundays, and my family was busy yesterday, so today was the best day for it! We began with visiting Kure Juice bar in Hawthorn. I checked out the location in Downtown PDX, but it's closed on Sundays! Thank goodness they have another location, and having it open on Sundays! I ordered the Greenheart smoothie, which includes: pineapple; banana; kale; Klamath lake blue/green algae; coconut oil; apple juice; and ice (copied from Kure Juice Bar's website [Kure Juice Bar Menu] from the Hawthorn location menu). It was a fabulous drink! They were so nice, and I was really impressed with the iPad card swiper gadget. I don't know why, but I still feel silly taking pictures of building signs... I am glad my mom and sister were there so I could randomly say, "Life of a blogger." made me feel like I was reassuring people. Then I ask myself, "Why do I need to reassure these strangers around me?" So, I just go with it and take my pictures for my blog. 
I made a little collage of the cute little juice bar.  A Day In Downtown Portland A Day In Downtown Portland When I got home, I looked through my instagram a little more thoroughly and saw that Kure Juice re-posted my collage on their instagram page! I screen-shotted it and posted it on instagram. It made my day! A Day In Downtown Portland
I was so excited to see this on my feed. I follow Kure Juice on Instagram, and saw it on there, it was so nifty! Thank you Kure Juice! Your drinks are awesome and I will definitely be coming back and getting more of your fabulous smoothies. I sipped the smoothie, and fell in love with these people. Talented smoothie makers! Made me a happy girl.  The next stop we made was in the heart of Downtown Portland at Powell's Book Store!  A Day In Downtown Portland In Writing 115 (my English class), we are going to read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Since my teacher doesn't have enough copies, and I'd rather not check it out at the library, I wanted to purchase my own at Powell's Books. This way, I can write it in it, and high light or circle things.  When we got there, we went around in a circle to the classics and literature section (Blue room) and we were searching for the F's. We found the F section and we were looking all over for The Great Gatsby. We couldn't find it, and then I noticed that there were more Fitzgerald books over on a shelf beside the main Fitzgerald shelf. The book was on an 'Employees Only' shelf. We went into the next room, the "Green Room" which was also the entrance, and asked if we could get the book somehow. The man in the info booth said that there should be an info booth in the "Blue Room", every room has an info booth. We went back into the "Blue Room" and we went to the info booth and the lady helped us find another The Great Gatsby. I told my mom to just go through the doorway that we went through to get to the "Green Room" and Burnside entrance.... but we walked all the way around behind it and took the long way. I guess my mom didn't realize that the entrance was the same room we had just walked into to find the first info person. As we were waiting in line, we saw lots of copies of The Great Gatsby. At first, we couldn't find one copy, and then after we found a copy, there were copies everywhere! I thought that was funny, and that's usually how things happen.  We purchased my book, and left Powell's. On to Saturday Market! A Day In Downtown Portland Portland Saturday Market was chaotic as usual. Homeless people laying around, constantly bumping into kid's strollers and people who don't speak a word of English, or you go up to someone's booth and you admire their creations and they start speaking to you in what they think is English. All you do is nod, smile and say "Thank you" and move on. There were a lot of neat things there, such as glass wares, handmade bags, food, bird feeders made out of old dishes, natural lotions and balms, t-shirts, basically anything! It was very fun and interesting. I was inspired by a lot of things that I could probably make on my own.  There were lots of interesting people there. There was this man there that was painted in all silver, and wore silver clothes. He stood very still, and when someone put some money in his little jar, he would do something! It was the coolest. There was also this man who walked around while his cat stood on his shoulders... like a pet piggy back ride. Keep Portland Weird.... Smelling the deep fried food and different food from different cultures was enjoyable. I purchased an elephant ear because those are always tasty. It wasn't as big as the elephant ears from Seaside, but it was pretty yummy.  A Day In Downtown Portland A Day In Downtown Portland Today was such a fun day. I love going Downtown and looking at all the activity, all the stores and all the interesting restaurants. Downtown is fun!  This week is going to be awesome! Lots of blogging, lots of baking, I am really excited. It is Spring Break, so I will be doing a lot of relaxing, working out and breathing after a week of presentations, tests, and tons of work that happened last week. It's time to breathe. 

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