Welcome to Club 24! I’m now a year older but I still feel young at heart. I would like to thank all of you for all your greetings and love. I really appreciate it and my deepest thanks from the bottom of my heart. To Aprilrose who even made me a collage of photos for my birthday, you really made my day! Thank you!
Here’s a collage of pretty much what had happened yesterday on my birthday. Actually, I just had a very simple celebration with my boyfriend. If you’re a long time reader of my blog, you probably know that I live all by myself here in the country so I asked a few relatives to live with me in our house but they are currently on a vacation. I was a working birthday gal so I had the time to celebrate after work.
I’m so blessed to have a very supportive partner. Remember I hoarded a few items from Em Cosmetics? Yeah, he paid more than half of them and I told him that, it would be his birthday gift already so he won’t buy me gifts anymore on my birthday. But then, TADA! He bought me a new lens! It’s a prime lens 35mm af-s f1.8G. He told me he will buy lights and other equipment soon too!
BF’s mom knows I love huge bags and she gave me that super gorgeous bag for my birthday!
From my family, I did not ask for anything. I rarely ask them for gifts. Just them being always there for me is more than enough. We also have acquired a new home in Perth City and I’m so happy! We are really thankful for all the blessings.
From time to time, I redecorate our small home here and my bedroom. Honestly, I can’t really make a huge change in my room knowing that I’ll be leaving the soonest possible and I can’t bring all my things with me. Just a few minutes before my birthday, I made that decor on my vanity table. Do you like it? ^_^ I posted it on my Instagram too! @genzelkisses
I think it’s our 6th time there at YABU since our 3rd Anniversary last end week of Feb. Yeah, we have almost tried everything at YABU. Oh by the way, I brought my camera with me only to know that I left the SD Card mounted in my laptop! Good job Gen! Haha.
My birth month is also my when I have huge bills and expenses. Car maintenance and other stuff (checked). I was so busy these past few days getting all things done before my birthday so I can enjoy my day even if I’m still in front of my computer working. *grins*
That’s pretty much it for my birthday and I can’t believe I’m now 24! 1 more year to go! I have set a certain goal for myself before I reach my 25th birthday. So far, so good, am really thankful.
So now let’s move on to my Reader of the Month for March. So sorry if this is so delayed. I was bombarded with a whole bunch of tasks to do to the point that I feel groggy already every time I come home, and that all I want to do is lay on my bed and have my beauty sleep.
My Top 5 Commenters for March are:
Joanna Frany
Jean Quiambao
Danica Marie Abrigo
Aegeane Brioso Aegeane Brioso
Thank you so much everyone for always visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts on my posts. I really appreciate your time here For March, our winner is Joanna! I can’t find her Facebook account and I don’t know where else to get a photo of her. Please email me your details (Complete Name, Delivery Address, Contact Number) to [email protected] with Subject: ROM March. Thank you!
Now for my Reader of the Month – April, you can get:
The Face Shop – Face It Radiance Foundation in NB21
iWhite Whitening Vita Facial Cream
Shiseido Oil Control Skincare Samples
Celeteque Acne Solutions Moisturizer Samples
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1. Should be a Follower of Genzel Kisses via (Facebook, Bloglovin, and Networked Blogs)
Here are optional for you if you want quick updates:
Genzel Kisses Blog G+ , Instagram - @genzelkisses, Pinterest, Twitter & YouTube.
2. Should give QUALITY comments (suggestions, opinion, thoughts etc.) here on my blog, or in my other social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin, etc.
Thank you and Happy Birthday to April babies like me! ^_^