Save yourself a trip to the store, buy your home essentials from Get toilet paper, toothpaste, paper towels, coffee and more all with free shipping, automatic coupons and 20% off your first order. Click Here.
Here are a few facts about
- Shipping is free, products should arrive within 2-3 business days (relatively quick).
- No membership fee.
- You do not have to buy in bulk.
- No perishable items.
- Savings by buying directly from the manufacturer.
The only “catch” I have been able to find is that they have a minimum order policy of 6 items. Still that’s not so bad, there is no minimum on the total of the 6 items, just at least 6 items total. For my family I think this service might come in handy during the winter/snowy months of the year.Wouldn’t it be nice to have your toilet paper, laundry soap, etc… delivered right to your house without having to get out in the cold? I think it’s at least worth checking out and seeing if it could save your family a little money and save you a trip to the store as well!