Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 06 November 2014 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

I had a nice, lazy day today. It was overcast with showers here and there, sporadic moments of sunshine and a nice cool breeze that would sneak up on you juuuuuust right. But along with the change of season that I love so much comes my nagging allergies. My right eye has been annoying as hell and bothering me for the last several days; itchy, red, did I mention itchy? But it fiiiinnnaaallllly seems to be letting up thanks to some beer Claritin. It'd probably help too if I wasn't running in and around the grass outside playing with Guinness all afternoon, but in this weather that was slightly addicting. He's a good boooooooy.



I friggin love the #foreveralone hashtag haha

Nightcrawler was impressive. I decided to go aaaaaallllll byyyyyy myyyyyysseeeeeeeeyyyeeeeelllffff Monday morning and had a blast. I'm actual hooked and wanna do it again. Like, tomorrow. It's only $5.25 for the early bird showing but I decided to buy a hot dog and a coke and that was an extra $10. Ten dollars. I wish I had a man purse I could walk in with and bring my own snacks, but I'm not metro so that sucks. [Thats the first and last time I ever type that sentence by the way] The movie is about this obsessive, solitary character played by Jake Gyllenhaal who finds an extreme interest in staying up all night with a police scanner and a video camera chasing stories so he can get on scene first, grab the most graphic, compelling footage he can, and then turn around and sell it to a local news station. Is it weird that these quirky, anti-social characters remind me of myself sometimes? I think we all have some small piece of ourself that can relate. This character just takes it to an extreme level. I found a trailer that I think summarizes the movie perfectly. It does have some curse words though so go put on your big boy pants first :)


Gangsta Guinness approves of that trailer.

I'll need to add it to my Watch These Movies link up above. I was impressed. And that leads us back to my lazy day today. During one of my breaks outside playing with Guinness I stumbled upon the best Smashing Pumpkins single I've heard from them in 15 years. Just released today. Not too shabby Enjoy.

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