You people simply won't believe this. There's another episode of "You Need Therapy!" my world renowned podcast, available for your listening pleasure! And not just another episode... a FIFTH episode that I have managed to post on the day I said I would. Yes you heard that right, a new episode comes out every Wednesday! Sure, did I post about it here on my long neglected blog on Thursday? 7:30 PST which is 10:30 EST which is practically Friday? Maybe! I guess so! It sounds just as good as it would if you knew about it Wednesday!
Welp, here's episode 5. We talk about reality TV and motivation/procrastination... two subjects I know well and have been detrimental to my life and wellbeing.
If you're so inclined, please subscribe to "You Need Therapy!" Another easy thing to do is rate us! A harder thing to do is comment on our podcast in iTunes. I understand you all have jobs and this is inconvenient. But understand it takes a village to raise me into a famous person. It's v. v. important to give us stars and comments on iTunes because it pushes us up in the ratings which is what we need if this podcast is ever going to be something other than a thing that gives me false illusions that I'm being productive.
Was that too sad? Oh well! Listen to us! Ask us questions to answer on the show!
This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged bravo, dara laine, funny, motivation, podcast, procrastination, psychology, real housewives of new jersey, reality tv, self help, well being, you need therapy by Dara Laine. Bookmark the permalink.
About Dara Laine
Comedic Actor and Writer