Diaries Magazine

Another Update

Posted on the 23 October 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

Still pushing through with my thesis… ugh(!)  Intro, method & results drafted and now done, so on to … (cue scary music) … the discussion.  I’ve started doing all the major formatting, so I am hoping to knock the whole thing over in the next couple of days.  Totally over it.  I was excited to have some of it done, but then it hit home that I am up to the worst bit!!  Anyway, enough whining, I am almost there  :)

On to more exciting things.  Over the last couple of days I decided to give p90x a go.

In my excitement, and confusion, I actually started doing p90x+  Which unbeknownst to me is for graduates of p90x.  Yep – oops!!  Three days, three workouts – Total Body, Interval and Kenpo.  I was pretty sore yesterday, but it is easing now.  I thought it was pretty good, Interval was hardcore, crazy-crazy hardcore, but in a good way :)   Kenpo I wasn’t so keen on…

Anyway, after my confusion  ;)    I have decided to start again (bummer!) and go with p90x straight, the lean version.  The only thing that is holding me back, is not having a chin up bar… but I have decided to manage without it for now.   So tomorrow, I start with Core Synergistics – Day one of 90!

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