Posted on the 01 August 2012 by Courtyb34
Yesterday, our last day of the trip, sorta... we mostly drove. We woke up in Arizona, got ready and then left. I dressed in some soft running shorts, and a t-shirt. I wanted to be comfy during the drive. We drove through Page, Arizona and it looked like the Grand Canyon extended out here. But we were in a place called Lake Powell and Glen Canyon. It was so beautiful. Here is a picture of Lake Powell.It extended all the way into Utah. I didn't realize that the Grand Canyon was so close to the Utah/Arizona border. We got the border, my dad pulled over and we took some pictures of the sign. :)"Welcome to Utah!"This state definitely isn't flat. Now I can say I have been to Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. (Of course California and I live in OREGON! and Washington is above me... you know.... I have been to a lot of states...)So... yes... it definitely wasn't flat. We drove on and on and on, and the whole way, there were rocky mountains, lining the sides of the road. It was pretty, but I wanted to see something else. We did see pretty country side!When we stopped to get a map at a gas station, across the street I saw this sign...if you can't read it very well, it says, "Home of the Ho-Made pies"... ins't that awful!? It was funny though.Our phones kept changing the time, so we were definitely changing time zones. We were in the Rocky Mountain time zone. It was pretty cool.The clouds were also so beautiful in Utah. I took a lot of cloud pictures.We did drive through Salt Lake City, Utah, but we didn't stop at the Great Salt Lake. There were no advertisements for it and we didn't know where to turn for it. And some people at a gas station said that the Great Salt Lake was just water. There no gift shops or anything. It was just water and a park. That was disappointing because I wanted to see it. We did end up seeing it, off the side of the high way, but wasn't even worth taking pictures of. It was really just water. I had been sitting in the car for like 8+ hours, and I hadn't eaten anything that day. I wasn't hungry, and I had eaten a few M&Ms and a protein bar. But that was it. It was hot, and when it is hot, you aren't hungry. Well, I was getting hungry and cranky and I was tired and sad, and emotional. I was a mess. Sometime in Salt Lake City, my left side started to hurt. Below my stomach. It felt like knives were stabbing into me at first. I had to get out. We pulled into a Flying Jet gas station and I got out. My side was hurting so bad. I get cranky and I don't feel well when I don't eat. My parents and sister had Burger King, but I wasn't hungry at that time, and I don't like Burger King. I should have eaten something though... I get kind of mean and cranky and I start to feel queezy when I don't eat. I got some chicken strips and some ranch and I ate. I needed protein, so the meat was good. For being from a truck stop, the chicken strips were delicious, but not as good as Dairy Queen's. They weren't greasy either, they were baked or something. It was so good!!! I finished eating, walked around a bit, drank some ice cold water and then took some ibuprofen. It still hurt a bit... but it was feeling better. Right before the Idaho border, we stopped at another gas station so I could get a key chain. I also went to the bathroom there, because my side was still hurting and I thought maybe that going to the bathroom would help. It didn't. It still hurt. I didn't know what to do!I did find a key chain, and I will post it on the loot post. We left the gas station, and when we got to the Idaho border, my side stopped hurting. It was nice.I took a lot of pictures at the Idaho/Utah border. I loved how it said, "mile 0" and how the clouds were gorgeous and how there was a barbed wire fence and field for my picture taking opportunities. :) It was perfect!Idaho is a beautiful state. So, yesterday, I was in three states. Arizona, Utah and now Idaho. It was pretty cool! And those are big states!We drove through the country side/highway of Idaho. I loved seeing the fields at Sunset and the plants and the houses. I started dreaming about my dream house. This is what I said about this picture on Instagram..."I want a house on the field, with maybe one or two neighbors. A house kind of in the middle of nowhere, but just a few miles from a store :) not completely isolated. And maybe near the highway :) with a great view of the sky and the land in front of me. #mydream #dreams #idaho but I don't want to live in Idaho. Wherever I can find the perfect house or perfect land to build on :) maybe florida, maybe North Carolina, maybe California, oregon or even Washington"Yes, so I want a house right smack dab in the middle of a field, like a small community and maybe close to a high way. I love that. I love the high way area. I also want to be close to a town or a city for late night ice cream runs and grocery stores and things like that. :) I don't want to be too rural or isolated.As we drove on, the sun was setting and the sunset was so beautiful!I took some pictures of course...This next picture was requested to be on the #grasslevelseries label page on Instagram. I am going to repost it on Friday with that label so I can get lots of followers and lots of likes.This picture has 23 likes on Instagram so far. I know it's not a whole lot, but for me it is a whole lot... usually I only get like 6 likes on my pictures, 23 is a whole lot more than 6.So, this is my most popular picture on instagram right now.The sunset was gorgeous and the fields were beautiful. Wow... Idaho is a beautiful state.The potato state!!ha.We stopped in Boise, Idaho for some Chinese food. We stopped at a place called, Twin Dragon. It was this little whole in the wall place, but the food was sooo good!!!My mom and I shared again, because we knew it was going to be a lot food.We got the combination plate #3 with fried shrimp, mandarin orange chicken, pork fried rice, and pork chow mien.This place, the Twin Dragon gets two thumbs up. This place in Boise, Idaho is delicious and clean and it's just this little whole in the wall place, but it's so good!My fortune was awesome too. The cookies didn't come in wrappers, so I am assuming they made their own.We got back in the car, and like 45 minutes later we were in Oregon. I wanted to get a picture of the Welcome to Oregon sign, but we zoomed past it and there was no shoulder to pull over onto, and it was so tiny! The state I live in was the hardest to get a picture of. ha... well I am going to cheat and drive into Washington and then drive back and get a picture of the 'Welcome to Oregon' sign. :)At 2:00 in the morning, we stopped at a rest stop and rested for probably a half hour. We got back on the road again, and I fell asleep, then woke up at 5:00 in the morning and saw the sun on the Columbia river. It wasn't that spectacular looking, so I didn't bother taking a picture of it. ha. I have so many pictures of the Columbia River. I live near it, that's why! At 6:00 in the morning, we pulled down our street and grabbed our bags, parked the car and got out of the car. We went in, and I saw that one of my phone cases arrived, I was so excited. I had this app called 'App Nana' and I collected points. I had 90,000+ points, so I got a $5 Amazon gift card! I purchased two iPhone4 cases and one arrived while I was gone. I opened it and it was the awesome purple one!!I was so excited about my phone case!!The road trip/trip was awesome! I loved going through all the states, stopping at all the places, shopping in Las Vegas, and shopping everywhere else. It was a blast. A total blast. I am going to post a road-trip post of the road trip on the way to Nevada. You basically just saw the road-trip coming home in this post, so I want to post about my road trip going to Nevada. I will also post a 'loot' post, showing pictures of what I got and where I got it from. :)It's good to be home! If you want to see more pictures that might not have made to my Barefoot in Blue Jeans blog, you can visit my tumblr: On a Wing and Prayer (Natural Inspirations)You can see a bunch of my photos, because when I instagram, they instantly are posted to my tumblr page. :)If you have been following my instagram and tumblr page, I hope you enjoyed the pics, and for those of you who are seeing the pictures for the first time on here, I hope you enjoyed the pictures as well.I had so much fun! So, yes, I will be posting the two other blog posts I am planning on doing later today :)I have lots of blog plans for the rest of the summer. So, stay tuned!