Self Expression Magazine

Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5

Posted on the 01 August 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
I am going to finish all of my blogging today! Well, not for good of course, but for the road trips yes. 
The next morning, we woke up and got ready, checked out of our motel and drove around Route 66. We drove, basically across the street, to this cute little diner called, 'Pine Country Diner'. The place was adorable and the people were so friendly there. I got a family picture before we ordered. I don't know why my dad's face is like that, but the picture is still cute!
Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5And I got a picture of the inside of the diner. It was super duper cute! Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5My mom and I ordered something to share, because the waiter said that the omelettes were huge. Mom ordered us the Denver Omelette with hash browns and sourdough toast. I ordered a cappuccino with my meal because I love drinking cappuccinos from diners. They always taste amazing from diners!The people are so nice, and the service was fast! Since my mom and I were sharing, they even split up the meal for us, like they put it on two separate plates for us. How nice! The orange things on the right side are potato hash brown wedges thingies... like mini Jo-Jos. Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5The food was so delicious! The Pine Country diner on Route 66 gets two thumbs up and a wonderful review from me. I love diners! So happy we went here. It took them a little while to serve my cappuccino, but they gave me a to-go cup for my cappuccino, so that was very nice! When I got back to that little town of Williams, Arizona, I will definitely be going back to the Pine Country diner, because I want to try that chocolate chip cookie dough pie they had. yummm!!!After we ate, we walked around the Route 66, and Williams. We got our pictures taken with the Route 66 sign :)Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5The cute Route 66, 50's themed diner. I wish we had time to go here, it was super cute!Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We walked around some more, and went into the little shops, I wanted a key chain or something from Route 66. I ended up getting a key chain and a mug from Route 66. This cute little gift shop. I will post all my loot on another post, this post is going to be long enough with all the Grand Canyon pictures I took...There were a couple signs I wanted to take pictures of, and some photography shots that I got.I am so happy we came here.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5The clouds were enormous and fluffy looking and so pretty. I took so many pictures of the clouds. You know me, my wonderful readers, I take a lot of cloud pictures!Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5I couldn't believe the clouds. They were so beautiful. We wanted to take another picture of this other sign. It was painted on a wall and it was near some rail road tracks. The clouds were everywhere and so so pretty. Of course, I took some awesome photography shots.WITH MY IPHONE!!! I can't believe the quality.I also took one with a plant against the sky. I love that picture. It looks so cool.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5My parents were waiting for me in the car, so I scurried to the car and we were on our way to the Grand Canyon. As we drove there, on this long high way, the clouds were amazing. On the left side, there were these gray clouds and they were brushed down because in that area it was raining. You could actually see the rain coming down. It was so cool. This was also mixed with thunder and lightning. It was so nifty!So cool to see all this. One side, it was beautiful and on the other side it was majestic with the clouds and lightning. I wish lightning wasn't so quick, I tried getting pictures of the lightning, but I would always catch it after it was gone.I got pictures of the clouds though!Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5It was gorgeous! We drove on and then stopped at a little IMAX theater to pay for our park passes, then we drove onto the Grand Canyon! We actually got the 'Welcome to the Grand Canyon' sign pictures after we saw everything, but I am going to post them up front...Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Ha...Yeah...We got to the Grand Canyon parking area, and it was raining! We were kinda sad because we had brought warm clothes and not rain gear. Luckily, it wasn't raining too heavily at the place we got out to look at. We got to the edge of the canyon and there was the Canyon's own personal little storm inside. It was thundering and lightning. Little did we know that two people had died because of lightning strikes in the past two years, so the park rangers were telling us to go inside. Before we went inside, I got some pictures of the Grand Canyon's personal storm. It wasn't raining on the outside anymore, it was raining on the inside of the Grand Canyon, just in that spot. It was awesome! So awesome to see all the lightning and the big gray brushed clouds. So majestic!Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5So beautiful. We went inside the building and they had windows all around so you could see the Grand Canyon. It was raining on this side, so the window did have little rain drops on it.You can still see the storm inside the Canyon...Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We went to some view points, and at that point, it had stopped thundering and lightning.We took a chance though and went on a ledgy view point, took some pictures, my dad took my pictures :) and then we moved on.Wow, it was beautiful.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Also on the ledge, with the gate/fence thing, there was thing pad lock with a metal heart. Some names were etched into it. I had seen this on pinterest, only it was in a European country and this bridge had a bunch of locks on it. You write your lover/husband/boyfriend's name on the locket and you write your own name or vise versa if you are a guy, you write the girl's name on it and your own of course, you lock it up on the fence and throw away the key down into the water, or in this case, the Grand Canyon. I want to come back when I get a boyfriend or a husband and do that. Lock up our love and throw away the key. It's so cute!Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We walked back to the car, and went into the village to purchase some souvenirs. I, again, got a Grand Canyon key chain, and a Grand Canyon mug and a Grand Canyon grocery bag. Again, I will show all the stuff that I bought this whole trip on a different post. We walked across the parking lot to another trading post gift shop, Brittney was searching for ear rings and I was kind of done spending money there, but I saw another key chain with the Desert View Watchtower on it, so I grabbed that up and then I was done spending money at the Grand Canyon. So, I got two key chains, a mug and a bag from the Grand Canyon. We were done shopping and then we got back into the car and drove around the Grand Canyon to another view point.I took some pictures and my mom took pictures of me. Ha... she was nervous about me being on the edge...Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Ha, I was pulled from the edge right after the picture. We got back in the car and we were then headed to the Desert View Watch Tower, because at the view point, this lady was talking to this couple and we over heard the lady saying the Desert View Watch Tower was amazing! We were already going to go to the Desert View Watchtower, but the lady's comment made us want to go even more!On our way to the Desert View Watchtower, a whole bunch of cars were stopped and parked on the side of the road. It seems there were elk there, Lots of them! I took some pictures of the elk. Only one picture I instagramed because it was the best out of all of them...Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We got to the watchtower, and there was a little view point before we went up into the watchtower, so I took some pictures there...Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5And then we went up into the watch tower. My goodness, people walked sooo slow on the stairs. Yes, they were steep, but there was a hand rail and then people would stop randomly and take pictures for hours it seemed like. ON THE STAIRS. There are windows above... and those windows on the stairs don't even face the Grand Canyon. They were taking pictures of the parking lot! THE PARKING LOT PEOPLE. You can take pictures of the parking lot later, lets get up the stairs and into the view room. Yeah, seriously. When we got up the view room, everybody was there. So many people crowded the windows, I had to wait in line to catch a window when someone left. ha. Luckily, I was the only smart on to create a line... I was the only one in my line. :)I got some cool pictures from up there.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5I gave my mom my iPhone to take pictures of my from below, like she was in the third view room, looking over the edge and taking pictures of me in the first view room. She looked down at me and took pictures.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We went downstairs into the Watchtower gift shop, and Brittney finally found some ear rings that she liked. She put them on hold at the cashier so she could look at the two other gift shops at the Watchtower to see if she could find something better. I stayed outside, and found service. I needed to upload some pictures to Instagram and my tumblr blog. I wanted to do it at the location, so I found a spot where I had four bars in extended service. I also had extended 3G, so I was happy. I took some pictures of the Desert View tower too.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5When my mom and Brittney came back, they went into the Watchtower, bought the ear rings that Brittney wanted originally and then my mom took our pictures by the Watch Tower.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We looked one last time at the view. I had been looking at it through my phone screen most of the time, and so was my mom.We put our phones away, and just looked. It was magnificent. This was our first time at the Grand Canyon. It was beautiful. We then left the view point after looking at the view for a little bit, and we went into the Watchtower parking lot. There was this park and picnic area, my dad was at a picnic table with the cooler open to make a late lunch. We made sandwiches and then went to the bathroom before we left. In the parking lot, there was this wonderful scene. Beautiful clouds and in the distance, brushed clouds, it was raining over there and so beautiful. I love the brushed down clouds.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We drove out of the Grand Canyon state park, and drove out a ways. We came to another view point. We got out and walked to the canyon part. On our way to the canyon part, on the side of the rocky trail, there were these cacti bushes. I had wanted to see these cacti there and I did! I was so happy. I took a picture, of course.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5From the time we got to the Grand Canyon, to the time we left Page, Arizona. I was in Extended service the whole time. The view point where I saw the cacti, I had really good extended service! We walked on, and took some pictures of the canyon. The muddy Colorado River below...Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5My mom took some pictures of me on the edge...It was very windy up there. Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We left the view point and drove out. The clouds were amazing, and all the rock formations. This was the Navajo Indian Reservation, so there were trailers everywhere. I called it Redneck and Trailer trash ville.I took lots of pictures of the clouds, but only chose four to display on tumblr and here and instagram.Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5Arizona/Grand Canyon Trip Day 5We came to this little gas station with a gallery and gift shop and cafe next door. I was so tired of going to the bathroom, it seems at every stop we made, we wen to the bathroom. I went anyway, because we may not have the chance to go later. We went, and then got back in the car. We drove around, looking for a hotel and we found a motel 6. They took us and we then put all of our crap in the hotel room. We drove down the street to a McDonalds and ate. At the McDonalds, there were only Europeans there. We were the only Americans there. My mom suggested that I practice my French and talk with them, but I didn't really want to. I tried the spicy chicken McBites... never getting those again. There were barely any chicken in them and they were crunchy and ugh I didn't like them. I don't eat at McDonalds... hardly ever and when I do, I want the food to be good. This wasn't good... We left after we ate and we got ready for bed and watched some TV, then went to bed at the Motel 6. Monday was a long day! Sorry for all the pictures, and such a long post, I wanted to get all of it in there. Hope you enjoyed the pictures :)

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