Hey y'all! I'm Jamie & I write over at Cleats & Couture. I'm so excited to be a part of Jessa's college football preview, & equally as excited for college football season to start! I went to the greatest university in the world, & have been a diehard Michigan fan since before I can remember. Michigan is one of the most historied college football programs in the country, & it has been amazing being a part of the elite tradition that is Michigan football.
Let me walk you through a typical [undergrad] gameday experience at The University of Michigan.
7:00AM. Up until very recently, The Big House [Michigan's stadium / the biggest stadium in the country] was not equipped with lighting for night games, so the games were always at 12:00 or 3:30. Either way, everyone got their mornings started very early. Getting dressed for gameday at Michigan is lightyears different than what I experience in the south at Alabama, and instead of looking like this:

... you looked like this:

or this:

I promise if you showed up to The Big House in anything close to resembling a dress or heels, you would be getting stares all day long, and it wouldn't be because people thought you looked good. Dressing up for gameday was all about representing Michigan and showing spirit for the Wolverines. In college, this even meant some outrageous outfits for some people.

8:00AM: Whatever you were wearing, you were wearing it and ready to go by 8:00 with your game face on. A favorite saying at Michigan was "Saturday morning is the best night of the week", and we really lived by it. There was no holding back so you made sure you could go out later. You were pre-celebrating a Michigan football win the minute you walked out your door, usually into a scene that looked something like this:

Every lawn across the main campus roads, whether it was a house or a fraternity, was always full of people decked out in anything maize & blue, blaring music, dancing on ledges, & getting ready for Michigan football.

11:00AM: After three hours of heavy celebrating (and likely a stop at Quickie Burger on your walk to the stadium), you were making your way to The Big House. If you've never been, I promise you it's unlike anything you've ever experienced. You and 109,900 of your closest friends are in the country's largest stadium, and the 3rd largest one in the entire world. The camaraderie, the energy, the excitement: nothing compares to an afternoon spent at The Big House cheering on the Wolverines.