Diaries Magazine

Blogging’s Never Cute

Posted on the 20 September 2013 by Daralaine @daralaine


Yesterday, I saw a female comic, somewhere in her 40′s, at an open mic talking about how when people ask her if she has kids she says “no, but I have a blog.”

If I’m still writing here about day drinking and OKCupid when I’m 40 years old, please promise that one of you will do the humane thing and poison me slowly with some Visine in my morning coffee. Because by then it will be too late to move back to my hometown and become a dental hygenist. I just can’t be blogging for free and eating half of a $5 foot long turkey sandwich for upwards of 6 meals a week at any age over 29. I’d say that at 29, a blog is no longer cute and can’t be used as a talking point for my wing woman when we go to bars and meet guys. Ooops, I just thought about being 29 and meeting guys at bars. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I suddenly got very tired. Can you shut the shades on your way out?

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