Diaries Magazine

Boys Behind The Blog

Posted on the 20 February 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Boys Behind The Blog
I can't believe that this is the 9th one. I love participating with this blog hop because I love y'all getting to know Gary as well. If you haven't heard of Boys Behin the Blog you are missing out. It was started by Mal from Mal Smiles and Stephanie from Never the Same Spice Twice.  If you want to read Gary's past post check them out here, here, here, and here.   1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I think that I would live at Miller Park. If I wanted to run stadium steps, take batting practice, maybe raid the concession stands, go down the slide...it would be all right at my finger tips. 

Boys Behind Blog


2. Sand/snow This is crazy. We just moved away from sand and we now have snow. I guess snow since that is what is on the ground now. 3. What winter sports do you rock at? I used to snowboard. I was ok, but not that good. I think that I rock at snowball fights. I can make a snowball with the best of them.  4. You're cooking a romantic dinner, what would be your go to dish? I go with salmon and a baked potato. Salad before hand. ice cream with sprinkles after.  5. This year I got Jessa a (fill in the blank) for valentines day. Trip across the country.
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