Self Expression Magazine

Break the Monotony Trap from Your Daily Routine

Posted on the 01 December 2013 by Jasminebhatia @jas_mine7

We all fall in this monotonous trap of daily routine in some way or the other in our lives without even realizing it and at times it becomes pretty tough to cut loose from this vicious circle....So what do you do then?? How do you escape from it?  For me I hate this sort of life setting when I have to follow the same routine day in and day out...It just feels so robotic :-/ isnt it? I love to do things at my pace and space..and I hate deadlines...but then its life and we often encounter such situations when it seems just impossible to break the routine that you  have been following for so long...

Below are a few tried and tested things that I do when I feel I'm falling in the trap..

Meet thy GirlsI have 3 girls in my life who keep me sane :) First and fore most my super awesome sister A who has a solution to everything then my most favorite cousin N who lives saat samander paar and very seldom visits but then just talking to her makes my day and finally my one and only friend P in this whole wide world who is a wonderful person and has always been there :)) This is the bestest out of all the tips that always work to break the monotony. So go out and meet your girls as often as you it when you feel the most pressure from your work or daily chores.
Treat thyself with some midweek ShoppingI generally go out shopping in the start or middle of the week, It just keeps me happy and chirpy through out the week :)) I say retail therapy is the best therapy in the world!! The whole idea behind going for shopping during the week is to break the cycle where you go to work and then home and thats it!! I am not talking about the grocery shopping but actual yourself something nice be it anything small but it makes you feel good :)) 

 Order thyself a yummy MealI feel treating yourself to good meal or a drink is a must!! We all work so hard in our own ways and we all deserve to get treated to a nice relaxing meal which makes us happy :)) Skip cooking for a day and instead order from your favorite joint and just lay back on your couch and enjoy your food. Spend time with ThyselfHaving "Me" time is one of the most important things which we forget the most!! Take out time for yourself each day no matter it just 15 mins...Go on pamper yourself with a face pack or a manicure. During the weekends explore new places in your city...Go for a walk...Just do something alone that makes you happy and content..   

All you need is a time out from your everyday life...Give yourself a break every once in a while!! 

Break the monotony trap from your daily routine

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