Diaries Magazine

Cara Box May

Posted on the 19 June 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
This month I participated with Cara Box from Kaitlyn at Wifessionals. If you don't know what the Cara Box is you should check it out. May was all about being Regional. 

This month's partners were: Erin and Kelsey. 

Erin: Describe Erin

kesley: Describe Kelsey. 

Friday I got my Cara Box from Kelsey. I was so excited to see what she got me. I was so excited I got in the backseat of our truck to open it. I'm using the notebook for our FPU class on Wednesdays. Seriously who doesn't love that Nebraska red paper. 

Cara Box MayCara Box MayCara Box May
She even got stuff for our little "child" Heisman. We got some canned food and water bottle. I haven't used either yet but I'm sure he will love it!!

Cara Box May
Cara Box May
Here is the next section. I absolutely LOVE this necklace. It is so pretty. I got Nutella from another blogger recently. I had never had Nutella, but wanted to try it to see if I like it. It's really good in small doses.
Cara Box MayCara Box May
Cara Box MayCara Box May
Now to the last section.
Cara Box MayCara Box May
Cara Box MayCara Box MayCara Box May
Here is the whole box without the paper!! I'm so thankful for all the stuff. I can't wait to use it.
Cara Box May
Cara Box May 
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