Diaries Magazine

Checking In...With An Award Announcement!

Posted on the 03 January 2012 by Thefriskyvirgin
So, it's still holiday time until the last bowl game is over (a bowl game that may very well make me sick to my stomach by game's end--I really don't know how I'm going to get through it. Geaux). 
Dallas Cowboys: However, my Dallas Cowboys failed to make the playoffs.  They lost to the Giants.  Bad.  It wasn't a huge surprise, to be honest.  Frankly, until the Cowboys go back to the formula that worked in the 1990s, I'm not confident we will ever see another playoff run or Super Bowl.  What is shocking (and, yet, not so much) is how our owner/GM can't see what's wrong with this team. 
The formula that worked in the 1990s is the same formula that the last 15 Super Bowl Champions have had and continue to have. Just look at the Packers, Patriots, and Saints! It's not rocket science.
I miss my Cowboys of old.  
Dallas Mavericks: However, I am ELATED to report my Dallas Mavericks are coming together! I tell you, I'm seeing some major growth in a very short period of time. The Mavs are going to be just fine.  I knew they would--it takes time for a team with new players to create a chemistry that turns into something magical.  Um, they beat the Thunder (almost twice--dang that buzzer shot in the first meeting)!
Never count out the Mavs...actually, I kind-of hope the talking heads count 'em out because they sure as heck did last year and we all saw how that turned out. ;)
Award Announcement: Tomorrow will be an award day! Hurray! I'd like to give one award to the wonderful new bloggers who found my blog--thank you so much and I can't wait to get to know y'all! 
Yeah, this was a boring post, I know.  I'm sorry. 
Um, here are some fun-facts to cut down the bore factor:
1. Mom keeps singing Write This Down by George Strait, only she totally butchers the lyrics: "Write this down, send me a little letter, put it on the fridge..."
2. BFF is so pissed at the Cowboys that he's pulling for the Saints. WHO DAT? WHO DAT? WHO DAT SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS? Yep, he's all in. Saints are doing it right--from management down, they've got the formula.
3. Dad has been adding Worcestershire sauce to his tomato juice--very bad and against doctor's orders.  He's in big trouble with Mom.
4.  Did you know that it's good luck to keep your Christmas tree up until February 2nd? I heard this the other day and was pretty floored. I guess some believe if you take it down beforehand, you put a hex on your family and if you keep it up past this date, it could be bring back luck.  If you have a real tree, you can just break off a branch and keep it until February 2nd.  Interesting, huh?
5. Oh! I saw a couple of Christmas facts that I had to share!!
* In 1930, Minnie and Mickey Mouse handkerchiefs were the number one Christmas present. How simple and sweet is that?!
* In Hungary, the Christmas Eve feast cannot be served until they see a twinkling star in the sky. Now I'm singing When You Wish Upon A Star.

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