I wasn't sure on what to write about until I read a post from Kaitlyn at Wifessionals yesterday. I have also had an issue with my weight. Today is going to be real deep so if you aren't prepared for it then I would suggest not continuing to read, but it's really good I promise.
Everything that I am talking about it: my veiws, comments, and opinions are all about my body based on my frame. Not everything works everyone, you gotta find what works for you and stick with it.
When I was growing up I NEVER weight over 100 pounds. (Before you start saying poor you continue to read.) I could ate anything and everything and still not gain weight. During junior high and high school I got picked on consistantly about my weight including rumors that I was bulimic. I tried to be strong and just laugh it off but it really sucks growing up. I would try to gain weight just so the bullying would stop.
Fast forward to college I was still thin but finally starting to feel comfortable in my skin. I continue my normal unhealthy eating habits of McDonald's and started to gain weight. I was actually so happy that I was gaining weight so then I would feel "normal." Now I know that wasn't the best way to gain weight, but I wouldn't change it. I have learned from it good or bad it has made me who I am today.
Then I started doing IVF (in-vitro fertilization) around my junior year of college. I was very certain that I was never having kids, so why not give that gift to others. It was a life changing experience, and if you have any questions about it feel free to contact me. I will tell you my experiences. I had great experiences and it was something that has changed me. If you have ever done these treatments you know how it messes with your body. Boy did it ever make me gain weight. I'm still struggling with losing the weight, but to be honest I haven't tried too hard. I go to the gym do cardio, etc but I haven't given up on fast food and really pay attention to what I am eating. That is a weakness of mine, and I'm working on it now.
Another one of my big struggles is that I am always getting on the scale. I check my weight all the time. One time my hubs had to hide the scale because I was OBSESSED with losing weight. I would get really hard on myself when I got on the scale and it didn't move.
We are have our weaknesses we are human. The best thing that has worked for me is acknowledge them and tell them to someone. I told my husband, Gary. When he notices that I am heading down the wrong road he'll give me a gentle reminder. I absolutely love it because it I may not notice, and I love that he pays attention to really help me get back to my target weight.
I know that this was kinda of a lot today, but I hope this helps.
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