So I mentioned pretty briefly about how I had adopted a soldier whose currently in South Korea. I believe he was "adopted" back around late January. Anyways, I've sent him a couple packages and I consider myself lucky because we have exhanged a couple emails and were Facebook buddies. I like this because it gives me more of an insight on who he is and his personality. From what I get from his Facebook especially is he's someone that's definitely full of life and likes to have fun so I've been trying to make some care packages that add some extra personality to them!
Since summer is creeping around the corner, I wanted to make a nice beach-themed one; fortunately for me, the dollar store had great displays of summer/beach products and items for parties and whatnot. Exhibit A;

Source of inspiration

The final result!
I'm pretty stoked with how it came out and hope he is too when he gets it!