So, here is what you will need:
1 can of crescent rolls
About a cup of chocolate chips (you most likely won't use all of them)
About a cup of marshmallows (Again, you most likely won't use all of them)
You don't even have to grease the pan, just get out a pan, get the chocolate chips, and get the crescent rolls.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees, the directions are on the package.

Now, unroll the crescent rolls onto the pan, start sprinkling the chocolate chips and marshmallows in the middle of the crescent rolls...

Roll up the crescent rolls into a little bundle, fold in the sides so the chocolate chips and marshmallows don't fall out...

I took some outside shots of the middle of the crescent rolls...

After they are all rolled up, put them in the oven for 11 to 13 minutes. 11 minutes is really all you need, but if you packed the chocolate chips and marshmallows tight in the crescent rolls, you might want to bake it for longer than 11 minutes.

After about 6 minutes, the marshmallows oozed out of the crescent rolls a bit...

When they are done, let them cool and serve them up with butter pop corn :) I always love pop corn with my S'mores. It's like a sweet and salty taste, or sweet and sour. It's a perfect mix. Good thing these crescent s'mores aren't too sweet, they are good but they aren't overly sweet.
