Diaries Magazine

Day 3: Let's Get Uncomfortable

Posted on the 03 May 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
So in case you haven't figured out I'm doing the #BlogEveryDayInMay with Jenni at Story of My Life. Today is all about things that make me uncomfortable. I really have to think about this. I could go so many ways with this..

People being confrontational is right up there. I hate it. 

Since I have a big kid job where I am suppose to wear business professional clothes they make me feel uncomfortable. I feel like I am playing in my mothers closet. I just don't feel comfortable in dress clothes. Give me track pants and t-shirts any day. 

Tight Clothes: I'm the biggest that I have been ever in my life. Anything tight makes me cringle. I'm just not comfortable at all. 

Being put on the spot I can't really think of things that make me uncomfortable. Sorry.. That's all I got for today.
Day 3: Let's Get Uncomfortable
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