Also I talked with the advisers and joined them. I'm so excited to see where this chapter goes in the future. They are a fairly new chapter, as they colonized in 2004. These ladies are so motivated and devoted to the chapter. Out of all the sororities on campus, they have most girls in chapter. Also before recruitment even started we were hearing DZ was the #1 house. I'm excited to see where this journey goes.
One of the first things I always do when we moved to a new area is reach out to the Delta Zeta alumnae group.

My sorority experience wasn't like many others. I rushed at Henderson State University, and then transferred to another school. Soon after I transferred nationals came down and took away the Chapter. I still don't know why to this day, but I really don't care.
Then I transferred to Iowa State and transferred my membership. I was a Delta Zeta there for 2 years, but it just wasn't the same. I was a transfer and felt like I missed out on the bonding. Also, I had a boyfriend at the time. He wasn't super keen on the idea that I was Greek.