I’m thinking we need some awards. :)
Apparently, I’m versatile and sweet, according to two awards I received from the amazing KLo.She's sweet, funny, and a profoundly talented writer. If you haven't stopped by her blog, please do so when you get a chance--you won't be disappointed.

So, here are the rules:
- Thank the blogger who gave you the award (see above)
- Reveal 7 random facts about yourself:
--Dishes ritual: Okay, I know I’ve told you about my peculiar enjoyment of washing dishes.Yeah, I can’t explain it either.Anyway, I have this football (well, sports in general) ritual…or habit….whatever.When my teams are tickin’ me off, I’ll head to the kitchen, turn on the game (yes, there is a t.v. in the kitchen—missing any part of the game is not an option), and start washing.I do this for two main reasons: 1. I’m ticked and need to keep busy, and 2. for some bizarre reason, I find if I do the dishes when they’re sucking it up, they seem to come to life and start scoring. Go figure.
--The only way I can stop hiccupping is if I drink water backwards (bend over, drink from opposite side o’the glass).And the only way this is not a disaster is if I use a short, squat glass, which I learned when a tall plastic cup splashed water up my nose upon random hiccup while bent over trying to stop said hideous hiccups.
--I absolutely loathe when my feet get wet, apart from showering, of course. If I’m wearing sandals, step in a puddle, and my feet get wet, it’s all I can do to keep from grabbing a Kleenex and start drying them off in front of everybody. Ewy. And if I’m wearing socks around the house and step in something wet (like a melted ice cube in the kitchen, thanks to my fridge’s overactive ice maker)…double ewy.
--Fruit snacks are the best. I love ’em and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I have no shame grabbing boxes of Disney princess fruit snacks, Scooby, Alvin and the Chipmunks, you name it, and tossing them in my grocery cart.
--I’m not much of a bread eater.If I do eat bread, I like it on the side.I don’t like how some places plop it smack dab on top of the food on my plate.I mean, it gets soaked in the food juices or gravy and goes all soggy and the flavor is completely different—it turns to blah, wet bread. Then, I find little bits of soggy bread in my meal. Not appealing.
--Confession: I love Ice Road Truckers and Top Shot (hosted by Colby Donaldson, one of my very favorite Survivor contestants).
--I have a tendency to get lost in Home Depot.It’s not like finding the handbag section in some air-conditioned department store (can do that in under 60 seconds). Home Depot is hot, big, a little intimidating, and it mocks me. I usually end up weaving in and out of those freakishly tall shelves crammed with spooky-looking gadgets that make absolutely zero sense to me until I manage to find my way out or someone asks if they can help me find something...like the exit.
- Give the award to 7 fellow bloggers (because there are two awards, I'm doubling that number and adding an extra...because I'm rubbish at singling people out--everybody deserves them).
-LOLA-Daydream Believer -Lex-Hazel-Anna-Jay-Purple Mist-That 20 Something Virgin -Soph-Minxy-J. Day-chocolateangel-Barsola-Jewels-Yvonne