This is one that I was really nervous about. Probably because I am an overthinker and went to super serious secret. After a lot of thought I am sticking with my gut to be a super serious secret. Which before I tell my secret I'm not a person who lets her guard down. A lot of things from my past have led to that decision.
I have also not be vulnerable much on this blog. This is for several reasons but the biggest is that I don't want to come across complainy or trying to throw a pity party for myself. The reason for this mindset is because anytime I have brought up something that has bothered me in the past, people have told me stop making it a big deal. That's not how it is at all. Basically growing up with my feelings not being validated. So instead of bringing up things that bother me I just don't bring them up. I mostly journal them out because paper can't tell me I'm wrong.