Diaries Magazine

Eleven, Part Three

Posted on the 16 March 2012 by Thefriskyvirgin
Okay, here's the final set of questions, this time from Catherine. I wanted to keep her questions in the original colors she selected for them. 

Catherine's Questions:
  1. What is your biggest fear and why?
   Not having my parents with me one day.  I know it’s the way life goes, but I can’t even think about it, to be honest.  We are so close—our family is small, but good (Lilo & Stitch reference there). 
Really can’t think about any of this…so…moving on…
2. What are your plans for the future?
“Plan” is a four-letter word in my world.  Every single solitary time I use that word, everything falls magnificently to pieces.  So, I try not to “plan” anything.  I just set goals, hold tight to dreams, and try my best.
3. Do you prefer a nice stomach or a nice butt on the opposite sex?
Hmm. Reckon I’d go with stomach.  Truthfully, I really love strong arms and big hands.
4. What are your opinions on gay marriage?
I’m a hopeless romantic, so maybe this is going to sound embarrassingly simple-minded, but here it goes:  Love is about two people, two hearts, two souls, united as one.  Marriage is supposed to be about two people in love who want to spend the rest of their lives together.  When it comes down to it, shouldn’t it be all about love?  And when you look around this big old world, I reckon it could use a little more love.
5. What do you think about Rebecca Black?
*Crickets* I don’t know who she is.
6. How many pairs of heels do you own?
Ha!  A few, but I'm more of a sneaker/boot/espadrille girl. 
7. Share the experience of your first kiss.It was awkward, but sweet.  He was older than me and had more experience than I had, which made me crazy nervous.  What’s funny is that he was as anxious as I was nervous because he really liked me, and I, apparently, “intimidated” him, which was just completely weird to me since I’m so not intimidating.
Anyway, when he finally made his move, he asked, “May I?” I actually really liked that.  The kiss was gentle, sweet, and, um, I drove him crazy (he told me as much). It was nice to know the kissing thing came naturally. Gives me a bit of confidence that other things will just come naturally as well. ;)
8. List 3 things you like about yourself, and 3 things you don't like.
Like: 1. If I could, I’d be a real life Santa, just so I could see people happy and help them see that dreams do come true; 2. My night owl ways; 3.My inner strength.
Dislike: 1. I can be really tough on myself, particularly with work and goals—it’s part of that perfectionist thing; 2. I hate that I allow doubt to creep into my mind from time to time; 3. My long-term relationship with stress.
9. What is the worst pickup line you've ever heard? (check out my last post titled - Pickup lines at their worst, for ideas if your stuck)
“Your lips look like pillows…I’d love to lay one on them.”
10. How many hours a day or week do you spend blogging?
I’m not sure, actually—yeah, that’s a boring non-answer.
11. Would you rather have eternal health, wealth or love? Explain.
Love.  Eternal wealth is intangible and cold.  Eternal health means nothing without love.  Love makes the world go ‘round
As for my tags, I decided to pick seven fellow bloggers, but feel free to snatch these questions up and have fun, if you feel like it:
1.  J. Day
2. Ms. Caboo
3. Anna
4. Hazel
5. PurpleMist
6. Yvonne
7. Janie Junebug
My Questions (I’m going with whimsy, here):
  1. If you could have the choice of one superpower, what would it be and why?
  2. Which Harry Potter movie is your favorite?  Why?
  3. Which Harry Potter book is your favorite?  Why?
  4. Do you believe in parallel universes? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think aliens exist?  If so, are they E.T. kind or Independence Day mean?
  6. What’s the first thought that jumps into your mind when you see the word Disney?
  7. Assuming it’s true, and we only know about 10-15% of the ocean’s inhabitants, what do you hope is down there that we have yet to find?
  8. What is your favorite movie score?
  9. If you found yourself living with seven tiny men, what would their names be?
  10. A big blue genie grants you one particular wish: Change the world into any imaginary world you’ve either read in a book or seen in a film.  Which world would you choose and why?
  11. If you could pick one literary or film character and bring him to life to be your soul mate, who would it be and why?

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