I love quotes. I have a whole board on Pinterest of quotes and words to live by. I am a strong believer that quotes can completely change your mood. Right now things are just blah for me. I love this blog and everyone on social media but my in real life is exhausting. Everything is just a struggle, and I'm just done. Somethings I NEED to change about myself that will affect my mood. For example, exercising everyday and spending more time in my bible. While others are things I don't need to let affect me. Which leads to my first quote.
Without going into too much detail but this past week a co-worker got mad at me for a decision that they made earlier. They knew if they were going to get off for one event they were giving up another event. I really let it bother me a lot. Gary was amazing and reminded me it was THEIR decision. But I think the reason that it is bothering me so much is because I have always helped them. (And they have returned that favor when I have asked but not going there.) Sorry for all the vagueness but I'm not sure if they read my blog. (Side note: if you are come to me and let's talk like adults.)
I know that is a little bit darker post than I have a written in the past. I'm hoping to write some more honest posts coming up. What's your favorite quote and why? |