Self Expression Magazine

Family Meals...

Posted on the 01 August 2012 by Felicakes @felicakes

Meals Meals on our table

Family meals. It's the best part of my day. Although, I am sometimes late, we do try to eat as a family here at Casa d Mono. It is where we discuss our day and plans for the next day or week.

I remember as a child, my family and I often have at least one meal together. It may be breakfast, lunch or dinner, depending on when my dad is available. As we get older and more grown up, this was of course harder to accomplished because of our different schedule but we do try to have a meal as a family once a week. 

A few months ago, I went to Ikea to get a small table and chairs for the Lil' Tiger. This is so that she can sit on a table and a chair to eat her meals. What did not cross my mind was where M and I were going to sit! HAHAHA.. so we ended up sitting on tiny little stools eating on a tiny little table and having our family dinner. If M or I am not at the table, the Lil' Tiger will come get us and "invite" us to sit with her on the table. She doesn't like eating alone, I think, which is fair enough. Who likes to eat alone with a house full of people? 

Do you eat meals together as a family? Do you discuss things at the dinner table?

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