Last night…I had a dream that I was with my family in a restaurant…And we were eating Chinese food heheWhile I was there, it didn’t feel like a dream…Because it felt so real!I could smell the mouth-watering aroma of the food…And as a piece of meat ended up in my mouth…Its chewy texture and delightful taste got me craving for more!
And then my mom told me that she wasn’t at all enjoying the food…So she wasn’t able to eat much…Which meant there were a lot of left over food…And I had the waiter pack them so we could bring them home…Because I definitely couldn’t get enough of them!
And then…I woke up.Hehe
But thankfully, even in the real world…I get to enjoy as much good food as I can…Just like my lunch and dinner (pictures above) today…That’s why every time I upload a latest photo of myself…I look a pound heavier heheBottom line…I am well- (or perhaps even over!) nourished physically.
But lately…I discovered I was skin and bones spiritually…Under (Mal) nourished…Starving.I knew I prayed everyday and told God about the desires of my heart.And yet there was something lacking…
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the Law of the LORD, and who meditates on His Law day and night. – Psalm 1:1-2
I forgot that conversing with God should be a two-way process…Therefore, I should also listen to what God has to say.And this can only be possible through reading the Scriptures.
Since I started devoting time around a week ago to read the Bible…I found some of the missing pieces in my life to be filled…Doubts replaced by certainty and spiritual security because of God’s enlightenment…My weaknesses no longer limitations but strength because of God’s grace…My hopelessness seeing the sun rise again and life being reborn because of God’s promise…My soul satiated because of God’s Words.
This hunger, just like physical hunger, needs to be satisfied everyday…So that I may not starve anymore. :-)
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers. – Psalm 1:3